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Eric smiled brightly as he approached Gwen Valentine at her locker

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Eric smiled brightly as he approached Gwen Valentine at her locker. They didn't really know each other very well, but he wanted to be her friend, as she seemed quite cool. Plus, his best friend Jason had had a crush on her since kindergarten.

Eric - Um, Gwen?

Gwen turns around and smiles at him.

Gwen - Hey. Eric, right?

Eric - Yeah. Um, listen, Miss Smith wants us to work on this music project together.

Gwen - Okay, cool. You wanna hang out after school and make a start on it?

Eric - Love to. My house? I'll walk you.

Gwen - Pick me up from my locker.

Eric - Bye.


Gwen and Eric walk into his house, being faced with the smiling faces of his parents

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Gwen and Eric walk into his house, being faced with the smiling faces of his parents.

Eric - Uh, hey guys. This is Gwen. She's a friend. Just a friend. We're doing a music project.

Amy and Alan stand up, grinning at the girl. Amy wraps  her in a tight hug.

Amy - I'm Eric's mom, it's a pleasure to meet you dear.

Gwen - You too, Mr and Mrs Matthews. You have a lovely home.

Alan (whispering) - Can we keep her?

Amy - No! (To Gwen) Make yourself at home, sweetheart.

Gwen - Thank you.

Gwen grabs a can of soda and the pair walk up the stairs into his room.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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