Chapter 15: The Avengers

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The doorbell rang, its chime echoing through the house. Curious, I made my way to the front door, opening it with a sense of normalcy. The sight that greeted me was anything but normal. Stephen Mayer stood there, a mix of desperation and determination in his eyes.
Without hesitation, I called for my husband. "Travis!" My voice carried a sense of urgency, an unspoken need for his presence.
From upstairs, Travis's voice came, slightly muffled but clear, "Is it Joe again?" There was a hint of exasperation, a weariness from our recent confrontations.
But as Travis descended the stairs and saw who was at the door, his expression transformed from mild annoyance to outright fury. "What are you doing here?" he demanded, his tone rising.
It was then that Stephen, disregarding the clear hostility, yelled past me, desperately trying to reach Bridget. "Bridget!" His voice was strained, as if this was his last attempt at something he couldn't let go. I stood there, my astonishment evident, as he called out to Bridget with a boldness that bordered on audacity. It was as if he still believed he had some claim over her, some invisible tie that allowed him this intrusion.
Travis stepped forward, his protective instincts fully ignited. "You have no right to be here, Mayer," he said firmly, a warning edge to his voice.
As I watched them, my mind raced. How dare Stephen show up at our doorstep after everything? After the way he had treated Bridget, the emotional turmoil he had put her through?
Then, Bridget's voice, hesitant yet clear, cut through the tension. "What are you doing here, Steve?" she asked from the staircase, her tone a mix of confusion and disbelief.
He turned towards her, his expression a mixture of hope and desperation. "Bridget, I need to talk to you," he pleaded. Well, he demanded it.
But before anything more could be said, Travis stepped between them. "You've said enough," he stated. "It's time for you to leave."
I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in Travis for standing up for our daughter. This was our home, our sanctuary, and we wouldn't let Stephen Mayer, or anyone for that matter, disrupt the peace and safety we had built here.
Stephen, ignoring Travis completely, continued his appeal to Bridget. "You've got it all wrong, Bridget. You're being fed lies," he said earnestly, looking straight at her.
Travis's patience snapped. His voice rose in a mix of anger and protectiveness, "Get out of our house, now!" The intensity in his voice echoed through the hall.
Bee, standing at the top of the stairs, looked shaken but resolute. She didn't move closer, nor did she say anything in response to Stephen. It was clear she was torn, caught between past feelings and the reality of the situation.
Stephen, cornered and desperate, blurted out, "Touch me, and I'll have you sued!" His threat, meant to intimidate, seemed almost laughable in the tension-filled atmosphere.
Travis merely smirked in response, not taking the bait. Instead, he yelled for our security team, who swiftly and efficiently escorted Stephen off the premises. The situation unfolded with such precision, reflecting the unfortunate necessity of having a security protocol for such incidents.
After Stephen was gone, Travis shook his head, a mix of disbelief and frustration in his expression. "These jabronis really need to stop coming after my daughter," he said, his protective instincts as a father evident in his voice.
As the situation with Stephen settled, Travis turned his attention back to Bridget. He stepped towards her, opening his arms in a gesture of comfort and protection. Bee, still shaken, moved into his embrace without hesitation.
"It's okay, Bee," Travis whispered gently, his voice a soothing balm in the midst of the turmoil. "You're safe, we've got you."
Bridget clung to him, her body language speaking volumes of the trust and safety she found in his presence. "Thanks, dad," she murmured, her voice muffled against his shoulder.
I watched them, my heart swelling with love and pride for the bond they shared. In that moment, despite the chaos that had just unfolded, our family felt like an unbreakable fortress of support and understanding.
Bridget eventually rolled her eyes, a hint of her trademark sarcasm in her voice. "What is it with these losers showing up here to start drama?" she asked, a touch of annoyance lacing her words.
Travis chuckled, his mood lightening. "Seems like we're a magnet for troublemakers because you're just too awesome," he quipped, his eyes sparkling with humor.
I couldn't help but join in the laughter, feeling the tension from the earlier confrontation dissipate. "Well, they clearly haven't learned their lesson," I said with a smirk. "They mess with one Swift, they mess with all of us."
Travis nodded in agreement, his laughter echoing mine. "That's right," he said, his voice filled with playful determination. "We're a team. No drama can take us down. Like the Avengers. Bee, you're definitely the Iron Man of the family - smart, witty, and always ready for a showdown."
Bridget laughed, accepting the role with a playful bow. "I'll take that," she said. "But then, dad, you're definitely Captain America, always jumping in to save the day."
I chimed in, "And that makes me... Black Widow, maybe? Spy turned superstar?"
Travis nodded approvingly. "Absolutely. Skilled, strong, and stunning," he said with a wink.
"And Lena is our Spider-Man!" Bridget added, giggling. "Young, fearless, and climbing all over the place."
We all laughed, the lighthearted banter lifting our spirits. No matter what life threw at us, we could always count on each other to bring back the smiles. I finally felt myself exhaling the tension from the moment Stephen knocked on the door - I was worried Bee would be pulled back in, being promised things he wouldn't be able to deliver to her. But I admired her strength and resilience in knowing when to end things and when to let them go. Hell, she's doing a better job at that than me sometimes.

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