Krypton Had It's Chance

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The Quinjet carrying the ship was approaching the Kryptonian ship in preperation for the drop, Natasha took the command key out of one of the pouches on her belt and tried to insert it into the port but the key stopped above it. Nat tried to pull the key out to try again but it wouldn't budge.

Nat: Are you kidding me?

Hamilton: What's the problem?

Nat: Somethings wrong, it's not supposed to do that

Hamilton: What is it supposed to do?

Nat: It's supposed to go in all the way

Nat activated her comms to talk to Steve

Nat: Cap we got a problem, the key used to activate the ship isn't working

Steve: What do you mean it's not working?

Nat: The key is stuck, it won't go in or out

Steve: Dammit! Any word from Y/N since he destroyed the World Engine?

Nat: No not yet

Steve: Well keep an open com in case you hear from him

Colonel Hardy had given control of the plane to the copilot to go see what the was the problem was

Hardy: We're lined up for the drop, what's the hold up?

Hamilton: Had a slight setback!

One of the jets outside was then struck down by something, Nat turned around to see the Kryptonian scout ship flying outside

Nat: Cap are you seeing this?

Steve: Stark, Thor...

Tony: We're on it

Iron Man and Thor flew towards the Kryptonian ship, Zod saw the two Avengers incoming

Zod: Target those incoming bogeys and deploy defensive protocols

The ship then began firing its defensive measures, Iron Man managed to avoid some and blow some up with flares but was blindsided by one from behind causing him to fall from the sky. 

JARVIS: Sir propulsion is down and suit integrity is down to 20%

Tony: Yeah I noticed that, Thor I need an assist

Thor broke away from shooting lightning shots at the ship when he heard his friend call for help, he spun his hammer and flew towards the falling Iron Man and managed to catch him before he could hit the ground.

Zod now satisfied that he removed two obstacles turned his attention to the Quinjet in front of him.

Zod: Now target that aircraft

After a few moments, the ships weapons locked onto the quinjet. But before Zod could fire, Y/N came flying in and crashed into the side of the ship causing it to shift and miss its target. Zod looked up at the ceiling just as Y/N crashed through it. Y/N then stood up from where he landed and looked at Zod, eyes glowing red.

Zod: Stop! If you destroy this ship, you destroy Krypton!

Y/N's eyes stopped glowing for a moment to contemplate what Zod just said, but not for too long, he made up his mind

Y/N: Krypton had it's chance!

Y/N fired his heat vision at the pilot chair, cutting off the only way to pilot the ship causing it too fall out of the sky. 

Thor and Tony were busy helping civilians on the ground when they looked up to see the ship plummeting to the ground and towards central park where it crashed into the ground, causing the genesis chamber to break and destroy the embroys inside.

Faora saw the Quinjet coming towards the ship and headed to the escape pods, after equipping her helmet she then launched the pod. 

Back on the Quinjet, Hamilton was busy trying to figure the out what was wrong with the key when he noticed someting. The main pod was turned, he then turned the pod so the port was facing up. As soon as he did that, the key then went into the port.

SHIELD Agent: Agent Romanoff, it's not safe over there!

Faora bursted through the bottom of the jet, sending the Agent flying out the hatch and knocking Natasha and Hamilton back. 

Faora and Hardy made eye contact before the ladder made his way up to the cockpit, Faora followed him, busting through the wall and attack the other two soilders in the cockpit.

Hamilton using the current distraction to make his way back to the ship and pressed down on the command key, activating the phantom drive.

Hardy seeing his chance grabbed onto the control stick before looking Faora dead in the eyes

Hardy: "A good death, is it's own reward"

Hardy then pushed the stick down causing the plane to nosedive into the Kryptonian ship, the sudden movement caused Natasha to be launched out of the back of the plane right before it crashed. The coliding phantom drives created the singularity which sucked in the Kryptonians inside the ship as well as the ship itself.

On the ground, Y/N lifted the rubble off of him and looked up to see Natasha falling as the ship was being sucked into the black hole. Without hesitation, he flew up to her and managed to catch her before she could fall any further or be sucked in, it took a lot of his strength to escape the sigulairty but eventually he managed to escape before it closed, trapping the Kryptonians back in the Phantom Zone.

Y/N floated down to the ground, carrying Natasha bridal style in the middle of the ruined part of the city. The Quinjet landed nearby and Cap, Bruce and Clint all walked out.

Clint: *chuckles* Son of a bitch, it actually worked

Steve laughed at Clints response

Steve: Yeah it did *looks at Y/N* he saved us

Y/N put Natasha on her feet as the two kept eye contact, they leaned in close together until their lips connected. It was a soft kiss that slowly grew more passionate, they parted for a second to take a breath

Nat: You know they say it's all down hill after the first kiss

Y/N: I-I think that only counts if you kiss a human

The two kissed again but were shortly interrupted by a loud noise coming from the crashed scout ship

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