We must make Daniel look bad! But how ? He's just too good! 😈! I have a idea Daniel really believes in Yahweh we'll use that against him! They laugh 😆!
Daniel-It's me Yahweh
The two evil men see him in his room talking to Yahweh
I was right Daniel does believe Yahweh and talks to Him three times a day This plan will work!
King Darius-😣! Unbelievable who is this terrible person? Daniel not him oh Daniel my dear friend what have I done? I'm sorry Daniel I want to do this 🙂! You have always been loyal to Yahweh maybe He will rescue you from the Lions
The Lions roar and growl at him
Daniel-🙂! Don't worry I won't be alone down here!
King Darius could not sleep that night He was really worried about his friend !
King Darius-Oh Daniel has Yahweh kept you safe?
Daniel laughs 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆! Ha ha ha! You're up early King Darius!
There was nothing to fear Daniel was sound and safe!
He smiles with the lion's next to him touching them 🙂!
King Darius-I can't believe it you're ok!
Daniel-🙂! When the Lions attacked Yahweh saved me ! He shut their mouths they didn't harm me because He knew I didn't do anything wrong!
The Lions come near him being close by
He isn't scared
Yahweh appears and uses His Power to close their mouths
The Lions close their mouths and don't do anything becoming friends with him
King Darius-🙂! Oh Daniel I'm very happy!
SuperBook! Book 1 The StoryBook of Famous Stories!
SpiritualEver After High's first storybook The StoryBook of Legends gets a new Biblical twist and spin on itself for the first time ever Instead of the famous children of Familiar fairytale characters who have been told forever They're not here anymore! And...