The Halloween Store

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(James's POV)
As Oliver pulls into the parking lot of the Halloween store, I'm slightly regretting my decision of agreeing to come here. I hate those stupid animatronics that jump out at you around the store. When Oliver finally finds a place to park, my throat drops into the pit of my stomach. "You ok, James?" Oliver asks "Yeah I'm fine. I just need a minute."I respond quickly. "Well, while you take a second, I'm going to text my dad's that we made it real quick."Luna pipes up from the backseat. "Everybody ready?"Oliver asks after a minute. "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess." I respond. "You'll be fine, James. If anything, this counts as exposure therapy."Luna laughs, opening her door. Oliver and I follow.
I reach out and grab Oliver's hand as we walk toward the entrance. "Are you scared there, James? You're holding my hand pretty tight." Oliver says with a laugh."Only a little, I don't like to be scared, especially be those animatronic things," I said, giving his hand a squeeze."You'll be ok. I'll be there to protect you." Oliver said, planting a kiss on my cheek. "Sure." I say, trying to ignore the growing feeling of tension in my spine. "That's so gross," Luna groaned with a smirk threatening to show. I stick my tongue out at her as we walk up to the entrance. Oliver holds the door open for us as we walk in.

{Luna's POV}
Oliver holds the door open, and I walk through first. There was a shelfs of costumes everywhere but also scattered about were the animatronics. I hate those things, but I wasn't going to tell James or Oliver that. Especially not with knowing how nervous they made James. I flinched when I felt something grab my arm. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was just James grabbing my arm. "What the fuck James." I say. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." James responds. "It's fine, but next time, warn a girl."
"Sure. But come on, let's go look at the costumes." He says as he pulls me toward a rack of costumes. After looking around the store for a while, Oliver calls us over to look at the Halloween blankets. "Feel how soft this one is." Oliver states, holding up a blanket. "Oliver th-" James starts getting cut off by a clown popping out next to Oliver. I let out a scream, James jumps back into me, making my stumble backward.

{Oliver's POV}
I call Luna and James over to me, "Hey over here." They walk over, and I pick up one of the blankets I know James would love the feel of. "Feel how soft this one is." I say, holding it up for James and Luna to feel. "Oliver th-" James starts before he gets cut off by something that cause both him and Luna to scream. James jumps backward, running into Luna, causing her to stumble back and fall over a stack of boxes on the floor. I hear laughter from behind me. "Oh my God, you should have seen your faces." Laughs a familiar voice from the clown animatronic behind me. I then around to see Larry, Sally, and a couple of other people from Larry's friend group standing there laughing. "Tha-ts n-not fun-funny." James stutters out his arms wrapped tightly around his chest. "Oh, come on James its a little funny." Sally giggles. "It's really fucking not." Says Luna through gritted teeth as she pushes herself off the floor. " What's wrong with you. Forget how to have fun or something." Sally remarkes. " We have to different ideas of fun if you think scaring people with ptsd is fun." Luna snaps out. " Everybody just calm down." I intervene before anything can go to far. " Let's just drop it for now alright." I say. " Fine whatever." Sally says rolling her eyes. " See you later James." Sally laughs walking away with  Larry and his group. " Stupid Bitch." Luna says now at James side. "Lu-una! James exclamations. " What she is." Luna replies. " Let's just calm down. Does anyone want anything?" I ask. " No I'm fine." Luna replies. "I-I wa-nt -t-to go ho-home." James responds. "Ok then let's go home." I state grabbing on to James hand giving it a squeeze.

Nov 17, 2023

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