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It was a warm and sunny day at the Holt house. Pidge was away on a business trip for the day. Leaving James and Oliver alone in the big house. "James come on." Oliver yells up the stairs to his boyfriend. "I'm coming I'm coming. I was watering my plants." James says walking down the stairs with an empty watering can. "So, what movie do you want to watch first?" Oliver asks leaning on the stair banister. "Hmm what about the Corpse Bride." James suggests as he puts the watering can by the door. "But we watched that one yesterday." Oliver says walking to the movie cabinet. "But it's one of my favorites." James says walking to the couch. "Fine but I get the next pick." Oliver agrees. "That's fine. As long as it's not boring." James says with a laugh plopping himself on the couch. "Oh, wait I have to go do the greenhouse I almost forgot." James says jumping up from his spot on the couch. "Come on Darling you can do the greenhouse after." Oliver says putting the disc in. "Ok fine but greenhouse is the first thing after before the next movie." James sighs sitting back down on the couch. "Ok, First thing after." Oliver replies as he sits down next to James pulling him onto his lap.
-Time Skip To End Of The Movie-
"Oli." James whispers to half asleep Oliver. "Hmm." Oliver sleepily hums tightening his grip on James's waist. " You have to let go. I have to do the greenhouse." James states as he struggles to get out of Oliver's grip. "No stay here 5 more minutes." Oliver mumbles into James's hair. "Let me go and I'll come right back and then we can stay like this all you want." James says still struggling to get out of Oliver's grip. Oliver says nothing but tightens his hold on James. "Meanie." James mumbles under his breath as he stops struggling leaning back into Oliver crossing his arms. "Fine I'll let you go on one condition." Oliver smiles. "And what would that be "James asks turning the best he could in Oliver's grip to face him. "You have to give me kiss first." Oliver laughs sleepily. "Oh, is that all." James replies rolling his eyes. " Yes, that all." Oliver replies loosening his grip so James can turn in his hold. James turns in Olivers hold giving him a quick kiss. "Can I go now?" James asks starting to grow impatient. "Fine. But don't take too long." Oliver says letting James go." You just stay here and go back to sleep it won't take me that long." James says walking to the door. He puts his shoes on and grabs the watering can. He watches as Oliver stretches his body out on the couch before head outside to the greenhouse.
-Time Skip-
Oliver wakes to the sound of the door opening. "Oliver!" James yells from the front door. Causing Oliver to open his eyes." Whaaaaaatttt" Oliver mumbles closing his eyes again.
" I caught a bird!" James yells with excitement as a muffled chirping noise comes from his closed hands." That's nice." Oliver mumbled turning into the couch pillow. Suddenly Oliver jumps up from the couch. "YOU DID WHAT." Oliver yells. "I caught a bird see look." James says opening his hand just enough to see the tip of a yellow beak."
"GO PUT IT BACK. YOU CAN'T JUST PICK UP BIRDS! " Oliver yells running over to open the front door. Oliver opens the front door and walks out after James. James sets the bird down on the steps. They both watch as it flies of the steps. " Come on, inside. Go wash your hands." Oliver says open the door letting James walk in before him.
James walks into the kitchen and washes his hands. Oliver Leans on the counter behind James. "You know you can't pick up birds, right?" Oliver asks with a sigh. "No. I didn't. " James says heat rising in his face. " You could get very sick, and with the way you get sick you could die." Oliver says. "Oh I didn't know that. I was just excited to be that close to a bird and to touch it." James struggles to get out. "Well now you know and it's fine." Oliver says moving closer to rest his chin on the top of his head. "But it's not fine, I should have know that." James states with a frown. "But you didn't know and now you do, and it won't happen again." Oliver replies, looking down at James scrubbing his hands. They've gone an angry red color from James scrubbing them with the sponge. "Oliver turns off the water. He grabs a towel and starts to dry James hands with it. "Oliver I'm really sorry." James says looking out the window. " For what?" Oliver questions.
" For picking up the bird. And waking you up and- and." James hurrys out." "Hey, it's fine about the bird you didn't know." Oliver says " And the waking me up part I know how you can make it up to me." " How's that?" James questions.
" Naptime." Oliver states as he picks up James by the waist and carries him to the couch. He drops James on the couch. " What? How does naptime make any of this better?" James questions confused. "It let's me finish my nap. It let's you calm down. Win win in my book." Oliver says plopping himself next to James pulling him onto his lap. " Bu-" James starts. " No its naptime. No more talk of birds or anything else." Oliver says laying himself on the couch pulling James on top of him. " I am sorry." James says into Oliver's chest. " I know you are."Oliver replies " Now no more talking only sleeping. I Promise you'll feel better when you wake up." Oliver says closing his eyes. " Fine." James replies smashing his cheek into Oliver's chest. It doesn't take long before both boys are sound asleep in each other's arms.

Dec 3, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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