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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲

Avery sits in the backyard, painting one of the many beautiful flowers in the garden when she hears a familiar voice. "This is more of a VIP entrance reserved for special guests," Usopp says, Avery furrows her brows. Who is he talking to?

"This guy is full of shit," another voice says. Placing her paintbrush into a cup filled with water she looks over her shoulder. Usopp walks up front with a group of three people behind him.

Since Avery is sitting off to the side, under the shadows of the tall trees surrounding her, they can't see her. She watches as Usopp pauses in his tracks and almost chuckles, he definitely spotted Buchi and Sham.

"Oops. You know, there's actually a more exclusive entrance this way," the man says to the group behind him. Buchi throws one of his knives at Usopp- it lands right between Usopp's feet. Avery doesn't even look shocked at the action- being used to the violent nature of her cook.

"The hell are you doing here, Usopp?" Buchi asks as he walks forward. "Buchi, buddy, uh, Kaya's expecting me," Usopp informs the staff member.

"Another one of your lies," Buchi says, he grabs Usopp by his collar and brings him closer to his face. "You ain't welcome here and you know it," the older man spits, "I know nothing of the sort," Usopp denies.

Deciding Avery has seen enough she steps in. She gets up from her seat and calmly walks over to the two men. "Usopp," she calls out, and all heads snap in her direction. The three people behind Usopp take in her appearance, she's covered in different shades of blue paint.

"You're here," she smiles, her eyes slowly trailing to Buchi. "I invited him for Kaya's birthday," she lies, Buchi lets go of Usopp's collar- making the boy stumble back slightly. Buchi snarls at the young girl but backs off.

"Usopp!" Kaya's sweet voice exclaims, "What a wonderful surprise!" she says happily as she walks over to them, holding onto Klahadore's arm for support.

"Kaya!" Usopp says, equally as happy to see her. "Happy Birthday," he says once he reaches her, "You remembered," the fragile girl says in awe. "Of course I did."

Klahadore clears his throat, "Usopp. We've had this discussion. You mustn't show up unannounced," he says. Avery holds up her hand, "I- uh... I invited him over. I must've forgotten to tell you," she says, still holding onto her lie as she doesn't want Usopp to be in trouble.

Klahadore glances at the girl, a stern look in his eyes. "Have you come to tell me another story? I do love hearing about your adventures," Kaya says, "I'll do you one better. I brought some of my crew," Usopp tells her as he points behind him.

"Is he talking about us?" a boy with a straw hat questions. Avery holds back a smile. "It's so nice to meet you. You all must stay for dinner," Kaya proposes, "Miss Kaya, it is a bit last minute. I'm afraid the kitchen hasn't prepared for any extra guests," Klahadore tells her.

Avery watches as Usopp's face falls, a gloomy look overtaking his features. "Please, Klahadore. It's my birthday. Can't be too much trouble, can it?" Kaya begs.

"Of course, Miss Kaya. Anything for you," Klahadore says, his words cause Avery to roll her eyes slightly. She's never been allowed guests for any of her birthdays.

"All right! When do we eat?"

"You don't. Not dressed like that," Klahadore tells the boy in the straw hat. "Sham, kindly show Usopp and his friends to the guest suites. You will bathe and change before dinner," he continues before his eyes fall on Avery.

"Miss Avery," he calls out, the girl looks up at him. "You will change and bathe too. You're filthy," he says, Avery nods her head. "I will later," she says before turning around to walk back to where she was painting. 

She feels eyes follow her, making her glance over her shoulder. She makes eye contact with the boy in the straw hat before disappearing from his view. 

Avery made her way back inside as soon as she finished the painting. And after taking a hot shower she got changed into a beautiful blue-ish mesh dress with brown-red flowers imprinted onto it. 

Avery grabs a glass filled with some sort of liquor from the table and brings it up to her lips. She takes a sip as one of Usopp's 'crew mates' walks over to the table with drinks. 

"You're not really a part of his crew are you?" the girl asks the green-haired man next to her. "Nope," he states simply, Avery nods her head. "I'm Avery," she introduces herself, the man glances at her.

"Roronoa Zoro."

"Nice to meet you," she says, "Hey, Zoro. You gotta try this!" the boy with the straw hat exclaims from across the room. "Who's he?" the girl asks Zoro, "That's Luffy," he tells her sounding bored. Avery hums, "And her?" she lightly points in the direction of the orange-haired girl talking with Merry.

"Nami," he says, "Alright. Oh, and if you're looking for some better drinks I hid a bottle of whiskey behind that plant over there," she tells him. 

A small smile overtakes his features, "I'm starting to like you," he says before making his way over to the plant. "Avery! Come here," Usopp calls out, the girl walks over to him and Luffy without a word.

"This is--"

"Luffy, yeah I heard," Avery smiles as she holds her hand out for Luffy. Luffy takes her hand in his and shakes it with a bright smile.

Klahadore clears his throat, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "May I present... Miss Kaya," he announces as Kaya steps forward. Together they walk down the steps, Merry walks up to them.

"Kaya, you look absolutely radiant," he says as he takes her arm. "Merry, I'm so glad you could make it," Kaya smiles happily, "This is a milestone I wouldn't miss for the world. Your parents would be so proud," he tells her.

They step down the last step and Kaya immediately walks over to Nami. "Nami, I love that dress on you," she says kindly, "Thanks."

"It belonged to our mother. It was one of her favorites," Kaya tells her, "Oh, I'm sorry. I--" Nami starts but Kaya cuts her off, "Not at all. I'm sure she would agree it suits you splendidly," she says.

"I agree," Avery says, "It really does look gorgeous on you."

Nami looks over and smiles at her. "Kaya, I wonder if I might have your ear?" Merry asks. "There are matters concerning the transfer of ownership of the shipyard we need to discuss," he continues.

"Merry, dear friend, it's always business with you. Tonight is about celebration. Shall we move to the dining room?" Klahadore speaks up.

"Yes!" Luffy exclaims excitedly from beside Avery. "Oh! Oh, I'm so ready for this," he says as he turns to the girl. She smiles at him and they walk to the dining room.


yes yes guys another one piece story :)

hope you enjoy!!

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