Chapter Thirty-four

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Chapter Thirty-four

The doctor revealed that Shiloh's surgery was successful, and they were able to repair the rupture in his spleen and did not have to remove it all together. He was still in a sleep state and weaning off the anaesthesia, but they were confident that he would recover as expected. The relief that everyone felt could not be described and Andre took on the job of notifying the appropriate people that Shiloh was okay.

Eniola and Jael finally allowed themselves to leave the hospital to freshen up after several hours of waiting around. Jael's emotions danced between feeling elated and incredibly anxious. The tight knot in her stomach finally started to come loose as the positive news about Shiloh settled in. A sense of gratitude washed over her, but she wouldn't feel truly comfortable until she laid eyes on him for herself.

Jael went to pick up her car from her flat then made her way to her mum's house as she could not bear to be alone just yet. She managed to have a shower and change her clothes and was forced to have an honest conversation with her mother about her romantic relationship with Shiloh and what led to his stabbing. Cassandra was horrified by the sound of him being hurt and was heartbroken to see the toll it had taken on her daughter. Jael's tears flowed freely as she clung to her mother, the day's intense emotions finding release in each silent sob. In the warmth of Cassandra's embrace, a mix of pain and relief washed over Jael, she could not pretend to be strong and truly, she had never felt so vulnerable in her life.

Once she received a text from Andre that Shiloh woke up, she rushed back to the hospital. He had been moved to a different ward, so she followed the instructions the receptionist gave her to locate where he was. She approached Andre who was standing in the small waiting area, and they instinctively hugged each other. She buried her head into his chest and let out a long and deep sigh of relief. With the hug they shared, they finally let each other in emotionally after barely speaking since the ambulance arrived. They had a joint understanding that an element of selfishness was needed to get through what they just went through. Despite how close their friendship was, they were unable to be there for each other and keep themselves upright simultaneously.

"Aunty Eni and Sarah are in there with him now." Andre explained once they pulled away from the prolonged embrace.

"Oh... should we go in or do you think we need to wait?" Jael enquired nervously and Andre shared her same nerves because neither of them would truly be at peace until they spoke to Shiloh for themselves.

"I think we can go in; they've been in there for a while."

Eniola jumped at the sound of Jael and Andre entering the hospital room and was confused at why she felt so jittery.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to disturb..." Jael murmured with her eyes fixed on Shiloh who was dressed in a blue polka dot hospital gown and looked visibly weak with his hand thrown over his side and face contorted from pain. He tried his best to plaster a smile on his face to welcome them in, but it was one that did not quite reach his eyes. He felt physically and mentally exhausted and like he was detached from his own body. There was minimal time to process what happened to him before he had to start catering to the emotions of his loved ones and that was a heavy cross to bear.

"It's okay..." Eniola stood up and straightened her clothes before signaling to Sarah. "We will give you guys some time to catch up."

"You don't have to leave, Aunty Enzie." Andre regarded her with a soft expression, knowing that behind her tough exterior she was struggling to cope with everything that happened.

"No, you guys need to have your time to talk, and the doctor said he can eat now so we will go and get him some food." She picked up her handbag and waited for Sarah to walk out with her.

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