The Setting Sun (Sanji)

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"Do you ever wonder if they're watching down on me?" I ask obliviously to the sky. My body tangled in the long grass below me, my slim fingers digging into the damp soil. The wind grazed my s/c skin gently, tickling me with a soft coolness. Above me, the sun was just starting to set, casting orange and pink hues on the fluffy white clouds that twirled overhead. Everything seemed to slow down including the beat of my heart. I gently turned my head to the side, my hair smudging into the earth below. Sanji stared back at me with a warm loving look in his eyes and a soft smile forming on his pink lips.

"They will always be watching over you." His voice was soft and filled with the utmost kindness. He meant every word, and I could feel it in my soul. The frown that once adjourned my lips, flipped into a smile as he said this. My attention turned again towards the sunset as I stared longingly into the sky. Every piece and scrap of my conscience was searching for my parents within those clouds above, hoping to see them one last time before we left our island for good.

"That's a wonderful thing to think about." I say back, my hand that once was dug into the dirt searched for his hand. Once I felt the warmth and softness of his, I gently tangled our fingers together and held his hand tightly, as if I'd never get to again. My once calm heart started to beat heavily against my chest like a drum. A soft blush dusted across my freckled cheeks. My eyes, a stunningly deep e/c, found Sanji's. We stared at each other in silence, our hearts syncing with one another's. It was peaceful. It was beautiful. It was all I ever needed. I admired his sun-kissed cheeks, his blonde wavy hair, those calming eyes.

My parents' voice rang in the back of my head at this moment. 'Go and find a new dream'. These were their last ever words. As I stared at Sanji, I immediately knew then and there. Before thinking, the next words out of my mouth were, "You are my new dream." I watched as his warm eyes widened as the words set in. He then smiled widely at me, a blush grazing his cheeks as well.

"You have no idea how glad that makes me." Sanji responds, his free hand tangling itself in my h/c locks pulling me closer to him. My heart skips a beat as I feel his warm breath against my lips. They quiver as Sanji's eyes flicker to my lips. Then, as soft as a cozy blanket, his lips connect with mine. It was gentle and light, besides that I still felt a million sparks fly through my body all at once. His lips were perfectly made for me as mine were for his. Nothing else in the world mattered at this moment, it was like all my problems had dissipated as our lips danced together in synchronicity. Although I wanted this moment to last forever, it had come to an end.

As our lips parted, I stared into his eyes breathlessly. In the palm of my hand, my father's wedding ring rested gently. I held it above our heads and looked up at it. "I want you to have this." I say, taking Sanji's right hand and sliding the silver ring onto his ring finger. Amazingly it fit perfectly. "It was my dad's, and now it's yours." A smile sprouted upon my lips. "From now on, whether we're together or apart, I'll always be with you." I raised my right hand gently, showing my mother's wedding ring on my ring finger. "And you'll be with me."

Tears brimmed Sanji's eyes as he admired the rings on our hands. "Thank you, y/n." He said in a hush whisper. All I could do in return was smile. I sat up from the ground and picked up the floating lantern next to me.

"There's one last thing I must do before we leave." I say as I stand on my feet. The lantern rested gently in my hands as well as a photograph of my parents. With ease, I taped the photo to the lantern. Then I led Sanji down to the docks, the sun resting just above the horizon. We both sat at the edge of the dock, our legs dangling just above the cool water. Sanji placed his lighter in my hand carefully.

As I lit the lantern, tears started to sting my eyes. I couldn't contain the emotions inside of me anymore, they all came pouring out at once. "Mom, Dad... I love you!" I scream up at the sky. "I love you more than anything! I wish I could've told you before you died. I want to go back in time, I want to do things differently, maybe then you'd still be..." I stopped myself as I felt the hot tears stream down my face. I wiped them aggressively as I gripped the lantern harshly. Suddenly, I felt Sanji's warm hand resting on my thigh. It calmed me. "I just wanted to say I love you one last time." I say as I let the lantern go.

We both watch as the lantern twirls above the ocean and then floats upwards towards the sky. It danced over us both, as if it knew. As if my parents were the wind controlling it. I smiled warmly and rested my head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around my waist.

"Your parents know how much you love them, I'm sure of it." He says faintly. "And now their love for you flows within me." I looked over at him, he was already looking at me. His eyes trailing down my face, seemingly taking in all of my features, not leaving anything unnoticed. "I love you with all of my heart, and I will for the rest of my life."

"I love you the exact same way Sanji."

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