chapter one

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Harry Styles. High School Senior. Age 18. Keeps to himself but is always observant of his surroundings. Doesn't have many friends, and for the most part he doesn't mind being alone as often as he is. Cruel and utterly mean things are spread around Cheshire High about Harry.

"He's so weird."
"He's such a freak."
"I hear he's on drugs."
"His parents are alcoholics."
"I swear he's obsessed with me."

These are just some of the very few that come about in Harry's everyday life at school. Even the new kids hear about him before he ever hears of them.

Even after counselor after counselor, Harry refuses to open up to anyone.


It's the last day of school before Cheshire High is let out for Spring Break. Everyone is buzzing with excitement. Talks of getting wasted and high every night fill the hallways as everyone heads to their vehicles. Harry pushed past the talkative crowd blocking his car door. For some reason it was known what car he drove and it was apparently acceptable for everyone to lean and sit upon it as they wanted.

Harry had enough of it. And for the first time he spoke up.

"Get off my car. Now." Harry said pushing bodies of his car.

"And who are you mate?" Jackson said stepping towards Harry just inches away from his face.

"If I were you I would back the hell up." Harry said unlocking his car.

"Oh really? And why's that Styles. What the bloody hell would you do?" Jackson said with the rest of his friends snickering behind him.

Harry got out of his car and next thing he knew it went dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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