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Elrich's head throbbed with pain as he woke up. He felt a nauseating vomit flavour lingering in his dry mouth. He tried to open one eye, but quickly closed it again. The bright sunlight stabbed his eye like needles. He staggered to his feet and the room spun around him. He grabbed a pine-wood chest of drawers for support.

Uncle Jeffrey looked at Elrich with a frown. He leaned forward and touched his forehead. "You seem unwell. Did you drink too much last night?" he asked.

Elrich nodded weakly. He rubbed his temples and groaned. "Yeah, pretty much."

Uncle Jeffrey shook his head. He stood up and walked to the window. He opened the curtains and let the sunlight in. "What's wrong with you young men these days? You can't handle three beers without acting like drunks. When I was your age, we could drink nine beers and still ride our horses home," he said.

Elrich grinned and said, "I'm not a drunk, I'm an alcohol enthusiast." He winked at Uncle Jeffrey.

Uncle Jeffrey burst into laughter and nearly fell off his seat. He clapped his hands and wiped his eyes. He composed himself and said, "You should drink some water and eat some ginger. It will help with the hangover."

Elrich nodded and poured himself a glass of water. He took a sip and grimaced. "How is Gabriella doing today?" he asked.

Uncle Jeffrey sighed and sat down on a wooden chair. He folded his arms and looked at the floor. "Her fever has gone down, but she's still weak, "he said. He looked at Elrich with a serious expression and said, "Have you made up your mind?"

Elrich swallowed hard and said, "Yes, I have. You're right. It's best for her to go to the orphanage. They can take better care of her than we can."

"Go pack her things," Uncle Jeffrey told Elrich. He pointed to the door.

Elrich went into Gabriella's bedroom. He saw her lying on the bed with a rag on her forehead. She smiled weakly when she saw him. "Hi Gaby, how are you today?" he asked.

"Much better," she answered.

Elrich knelt by the bed and said, "Listen, Gaby, I have some news for you. Grandpa and I have decided to take you to the orphanage."

Gabriella's eyes filled with tears that spilled over her round cheeks. She clutched Elrich's hand and sobbed. "Did I do something wrong, Uncle?" she sobbed.

Elrich felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He hated to see her so sad, but he had no choice. He had to give her up. He stroked her hair and tried to sound reassuring. "No, no, Gaby, you didn't do anything wrong. You'll be well taken care of at the orphanage, and you'll have lots of friends there. Don't you want that?" asked Elrich.

Gabriella nodded slowly, but she didn't look convinced. She sniffled and said in a small voice, "Yes, I do."

Elrich smiled sadly and hugged her tight. "I'll come to see you every week, I promise," he said.

Gabriella looked up at him with hopeful eyes. She held out her pinkie finger and said, "Pinky promise." She wiped her tears with her small hand.

Elrich felt a lump in his throat. He knew he might not be able to keep his promise, but he couldn't bear to disappoint her. He wrapped his pinkie around hers and said, "Pinky promise."

Elrich kissed her forehead and said, "Come on, let's get you ready." He picked up his seven-year-old niece and put her clothes in a little leather bag with his other hand. Then he carried her and the bag out of the bedroom and over to Uncle Jeffrey.

Uncle Jeffrey was waiting for them in the living room. He looked solemn and sad. He smiled weakly when he saw them and said, "Hello, my darlings."

"Say goodbye to Grandpa," Elrich said, putting Gabriella down.

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