Serendipity (p3)

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Jimin pushed through and tried to step in nonchalantly, but ultimately lost balance and prompted you to catch him instinctively. You wrapped an arm around him while your other hand looked for the railings again. Jimin’s arms slung over your shoulder and you could feel him breathing down on your collarbone.

“Jimin, you’re heavy…” you whined as you continued supporting his weight.

He stepped away from you and you thought he was letting you go, but he only pressed against your body, trapping you between his warmth. His hands were over your trembling ones as you gripped the railings tighter. His lips were on yours within the split second he gave you to breathe and with your eyes wide open; you saw how the middle of his forehead crumpled even when he was pressing his lips against yours so lightly that it was almost uncharacteristic.

He hasn’t spoken a word, but from the taste of alcohol on his lips, you could tell that he was finding it difficult to formulate sentences let alone words. “Y/N…” he barely whispered.

The elevator dinged and you could only think that it was the universe telling you ‘Time’s up!’ because as quickly as it disappeared with his kiss, your senses returned to help you escape from the cage that he set up around you and push past him. You walked as fast as your heels and dress would allow, but he caught you just as you opened your door.

It was easy to guess, based on experience, what he was going to do next. He caught your elbow and almost threw you against the door, easily trapping you with a knee between your legs. He gripped your wrists tightly and raised them at the level of your eyes; your eyes that looked at him defiantly, trying to see through the murkiness of his foreign eyes only to come up with nothing.

Jimin never let you in and you doubt he ever will.

“Why…?” he gritted through his teeth and for the first time that night or maybe, for the first time in a long time, he let a sliver of pain cross his features. “Why do you make me into a bad person? What are you?”

You were speechless and could only let your jaw hang for second longer. “I…” you began carefully, a flame that was long extinguished igniting within you. You realized you had been stupid for too long, let yourself be blinded by illusions of Jimin that will never become a reality. “...made you into a bad person? Me? What have I ever done to you for you to treat me like this?”

“You…” he chuckled, as if he can’t believe that he was saying the words himself. “Why do you only smile like that around Hoseok? How is it so easy for you to smile and touch them like that, but to me… you’re like this?”

You scoffed, breaking eye contact only to glare at him. “Can you hear yourself right now, Park Jimin? When have you ever done that for me? Besides, Hoseok and Namjoon and everyone else had the goddamn decency to talk to me and introduce me to people and entertain me, but you?” Ah, you feel the tears rush in as you recalled how he treated you at the party. “You took one long look at me and decided that you didn’t know me for the night just so you could… what? Get it on with some other girl?”

With his lips shaking, he finally snapped out, “You were flirting with Hoseok right in front of me!”

More than anger, disappointment in the form of tears immediately hit you. “What? Is that what this is about?” You spoke softly, a decibel above a whisper. Your eyes were locked with his as the first tear streamed down your cheek. You saw Jimin’s pupils follow the single droplet and felt his grip on you slightly loosen. “Do you really think that lowly of me? Well, breaking news Park Jimin, not everyone is an asshole like you.”

For the first time that night or maybe ever, Jimin became speechless. With newfound courage, you continued spouting out all the words you couldn't say before.

“Why are you so surprised? It's true! You fuck me then ignore me. You love me then you hate me. You're possessive then you turn into an asshole.” You twisted your wrists from his grip and he let you go. “You're right, maybe it is my fault, but not because I ever looked at anyone besides you. Maybe it's exactly that…” you pushed him away and he stumbled back, mouth agape and eyes wide as he kept his eyes focused on you. You were shaking and in tears because that’s how you always are when you’re angry, but even Jimin knew that something about tonight was different. “...maybe my fault is just looking at you and never understanding what's going on inside your head. I completely misread you, Jimin. You are exactly the person you appear to be. It was stupid of me to think that there’s something else there.”

He chuckled and it almost insulted you. Through gritted teeth, he replied while avoiding your eyes for the first time, a blank look settling on his face. “You see… This is what you always do to me, Y/N. You don’t even realize that you’re doing it. You have this ideal of me that you can’t seem to throw away. I’m not that Park Jimin anymore. Why do you keep on looking for him in me?”

He was no longer slurring, but his voice had become much quieter. His stare had gone completely cold and impenetrable when it met yours again and it terrified you.

“Maybe we weren't meant to be together in the first place.” he whispered and it seemed to you that at one point in time, he thought that you were actually meant to be and that hit you harder than he would’ve felt if you slapped him across the face.

“Please leave.” You reached behind you for the door handle because it felt like the most logical thing to do and pulled it open while averting his gaze. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you stepped out of his way. “Please leave. Don't worry, I won't expect you to come looking for me.”

“Y/N.” He murmured with the voice that always worked before. He took a step closer with outstretched hands, but you only quivered and refused his advances.

You didn't know what prompted you, but your hand flew on its own and landed a hard slap across his cheek. You weren’t sure if he deserved that, but the anger pumping through your veins convinced you anyway. “W-We hate each other anyway, Jimin. What’s the point?”

That was the last time you saw Jimin, wearing a pained expression on his face, lips quivering as he pressed them shut and with a short mutter of 'fine’, he walked out with a slam of the door.

He stalked towards the elevator trying to remove images of you sliding to the floor in tears as he ran his hands through his hair. He jabbed the arrow going up in frustration. Before he could hit it again, his phone buzzed and his first thought was you.

As the screen lit up, he saw that it was from Jungkook.

2:32am Jungkook: Hyung, please tell Y/N that I’ll just drop off her birthday gift tomorrow since I couldn't bring it with me to the party.

Jimin's whole body froze as he looked at your door down the hall. He could almost hear the faint sobs.

The elevator arrived. He kept his phone in his breast pocket again and went up to his apartment.

You lay in bed--gown, dried tears and all. That night, just before you fell asleep out of fatigue, you thought, 'Happy birthday, Y/N.’

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