It wasn't always easy for me. I moved around a lot as a kid. So, I had to pick up a lot of languages, mostly so I didn't starve or piss myself. Of course I still speak english, otherwise I'm sure you wouldn't be able to read this. Anyway, I speak Russian, Swedish, Japanese, Korean, get the point right?
Moving around a lot meant I wasn't exactly the "popular" kid among the jocks and nerds, cheerleaders and dweebs. I was more of the outcast that had a pet rock. His name is Stephen. He is very tame. So as you'd imagine, I ate alone, sometimes being that kid that ate in the bathroom. But, believe it or not, I had friends. And not my imaginary friend name Timmy. He was cool and all, but he was creepy. I'm most sure kids didn't have blood running out of their eyes. BUUUUT that's beside the point.