I love you, my butterfly

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To those fragrant mornings out on the shore
Where snowflakes glided along the silent air
And kissed the shivering sand,
You were perched on my shoulder
whispering in my ear;
"I'll love you till the sun fades to grey".

To those radiant afternoons in the city garden
Where  each rose was a different shade of your smile and each daisy another hue of your eyes,
You were nestled in my hair and again you whispered;
"I'll love you till the sky turns black" .

To those luminous evenings on the roof
Where only the peacefully distant moon and stars could hear our deepest secrets,
You were burrowed in my lap and you whispered for the last time;
"I'll love you till the stars go dim" .

. . .

The sun is still gold
The sky is still blue
And the stars are still bright.

But you're no longer perched on my shoulder
Or nestled in my hair
Or burrowed in my lap,

And I no longer hear your whispers.

I love you, my butterfly. Where have you gone?

Come home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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