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I'm doing this to better my writing skills and for fun
So enjoy 😊

Chapter 1-1 begging of Darmia

There once upon a time a black void where nothing but little weak glowing stars existed , until 5 stars slowly started to come close together and glow more and more until they all touched each other AND they exploded turning the black void with live and brightness .
Other stars glowed more or weakened and became smaller and they became pieces of dead rock.
The five stars that merged together created Solaria the biggest star which provided warmth to the dead stars filling them with live , they slowly became the 5 first planets to exist : Earth , Sanatirn , obturne , Mars and Gasoloes

After the all the planets were in place , the soil started to produce a liquid and various other things but they were stuck in place until chunks of the planets were burn by Solaria and they became the eight Lunarias which controlled the water rising and some other things.

Then lush green spread through Earth and slowly a beautiful man and woman appeared they were Iris and Arolos : the first gods.
Iris was the goddess of nature and Arolos was the god of the void and they fell in love with each other and they had the goddess of destruction , the goddess of fertility and the god of creativity which gave birth to many other gods.

That's how Daria started and how they told us it happened.

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