3 1 0

I wanna thank waaar81 for their advice 😊
Also! If you had any ideas or something you would like to see you can comment it

1: means mythology
2: species
3: cities
4: magic
5: pov

I forgot to add that in every era will be going through we will be doing this chapter 1-1
The first one is that "beginning" .

Chapter 1-2


Titans were one of the most powerful species on earth second to the gods.
But they were wiped out just some remain but with their minds broken wondering around their prisons both mental and physical.
Trapped in mountains , volcanoes and water glaciers forever until an unfortunate soul crosses them.

Their bodies giant , their features differ depending of how old  and where they're trapped and restrained some have four arms and others have multiple heads but the only thing they share is their uncanny beautiful eyes now cursed to do horrible things to who sees them.

One of them being the ice titan of the south , who used to help the gods fertilize the earth now trapped in a giant spiky glacier where people who have seen the depths of his eyes turn into the lost souls forever in pain and suffering, giant creatures which screams make ears bleed and your body smash against the walls of the icy cold inside of the glacier.
Where the glacier lays it was a place where some desperate troupes of researchers where , the captain was searching for a artifact to save her people from tide waves that kept growing and crashing and volcanic eruptions  , she went into the depths of the sea to never been seen again , her teammates worried and now lost forever.
The only thing that lays are they're boats , save camps , research books and their lost souls.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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