The Beginning

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The beginning.. the first of its kind. It's where the first chapter of a person's life and all. But this Beginning isn't what you think. It starts with a demon who sits alone in he's room.. women and men scattered around the room, as the demon who was naked and Tired he was pissed because of all of this people clinging on to him.

He never liked clinging on to a person. He never liked being to close to a person. What he only like is sex, And that is all. He has a wording that 'sex shouldn't be forced' and he sticks to it. As he pushed the people hugging onto him as he stood up he looked up at the sky and thought to himself

"Love.. they said it's a good experience.. but how would it be good? You're only gonna be attached to one person.. and get sad and depressed when they leave you.. such bullshit"

He said to himself as he looked down from he's balcony as the embodiment of lust, he was glad that people are still having fun and sinning with he's sin. But looking down at the people who actually do lust with absolute passion and love, it disgusted him.

He turned around as he received a call he looked at he's phone as he saw that it was Mammon. He Groaned looking at the phone as he hated that guy with all of he's heart. But he will not stop pestering him if he didn't answer the call. So he opened it as he went to the kitchen wearing he's robe as he cooked himself a little food as Mammon popped up


Mammon shouted as he smiled sitting back to he's chair.

"Seems like you got a good food there! Whatcha eating?"

"Why did you call me mam?"

Asmodeus cut him off as he looked at him raising he's eyebrows

"Well basically just wanting to ask ya something!"

Asmodeus sighed as he ate he's sandwich

"Ya remember fizzie right? That fucking jester?"

Asmodeus looked at him with concerned as he hummed nodding

"Well! After YOU! Gave him those fucking robot arms. He became a big ass HIT! People around greed fucking LOVED HIM!"

"just get to the point mam."

Asmodeus wasn't liking this event right now.

"Alright alright mate.. don't be fucking mean"

Mammon rolled he's eyes as he smiled again

"Since that fizzie boy became a fucking hit.. how about we make~ some collaboration~"

He smiled as he got closed to the camera


Asmodeus glared as he watched Mammon get surprised and pissed

"WHAT!? CMON OZZ! do me a favor AND HELP THE FANS!"

"Don't make me say it again Mammon. My answer is no."

He said crossing he's arms, he was serious. Mammon Groaned as he looked at asmodeus

"Why? Isn't that your fucking sin? Lust! JUST DO THIS ONE THING FOR ME OZ!"

"I don't care if that is my sin. But the time the boy was with me and I was making he's fucking limbs. He-.. he seemed uncomfortable with all of my decoration around the wall."


Mammon laughed at asmodeus but Asmodeus seemed a little pissed and embarrassed. When Mammon saw it he stopped laughing as he cleared he's throat

"Ok. It'll be a fuckin robot it won't be the real deal~ PLUS! We can fucking use it to make him work at loo loo land and do other jobs AT THE SAME TIME!"

asmodeus Groaned

"Ok! Ok! It may sound like a fucking bitch.. ok.. but HE! actually want it! HE! Wants the fucking doll! CMON!"

"How stupid do you think I am?"


"Oh for Satan's sake Mammon. No. End of discussion I'm ending the call."


Mammon stopped him

"WHAT IF! I let fizz go there! And he will tell you himself!"

"... You won't fucking stop until I say ok?"

"Affirmative.. so whaddaya say ozz~"

Asmodeus looked at him as he thought for a minute as he sighed

"Fine. But promise you won't fucking make a script for him. I fucking know you Mammon."


He smiled brightly as asmodeus ended the wall. Hes smile dissapeared as he Groaned as he called fizz

"Fizz. Cmere. I have to talk to you."

He said ending the call already. As he waited for a minute before fizzarolli went in there abit worried as he looked at Mammon

"Y-yes Mammon sir?"

He said with a raspy voice as he looked at him as mam walked to him as he smiled and grabbed him

"I need ya to go to Ozzie and MAKE HIM! Make a sex bot out of ya!"


fizzarolli seemed surprised by the spiders idea

"c'mon! Ya heard me kid! Look! It'll make money and ya are fuckin HOT! So March as asmodeus AND MAKE A SEX BOT OF YA!"

"s-sir! I can't just do that I don't think he'll agree"

"SUCK HES DICK IF YA HAVE TO I DONT CARE! C'mon fizz! Do this for me! The fans! Don't ya want it!? To get ya robot self fucked!?"

Fizz seemed uncomfortable as he sighed and nodded

"I-ill do my best sir.."

He said as mam smiled as he let go of him


He said as he smiled looking after fizz as he left.

Fizz walked through he's car as the driver took him through the ring to the lust ring as fizz was trying to find the right words to tell Asmodeus so that he doesn't have to suck he's Dick. As he arrived, he fixed himself as he walked in nervous and scared as he went through the office and having a hard time deciding whether to go in or not he took a few breaths opening the door to find Asmodeus waiting for him.

the beginning to end (fizz x asmodeus fan story)Where stories live. Discover now