Episode 33

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Buffy: Hang in Nami!
Arlong: Let go! Let go, I said! Have they still not caught that Long-nose yet? Am mere, lowly human, defying our species! We're returning to Arlong Park!
Usopp was running
Damn, I can't lose them. He jumped into a bush.
Fishman: Where is he
Uopp: Who thinks Usopp-sama is too important of a person to have due yet? He went from side raising his hand
Fishman: Fool! What are you thinking? They all went to attack him. Only you find a wooden Statue of hum
Usopp: Special Attack; Egg star!
Rotten eggs! I can't breathe
Usopp crawled in the tall grass. He was stopped by the edge of the cliff.
Yikes. I somehow won't up at a shore!
Fishman: I heard his voice over here.
They went to get him only to end up on the edge.
Fishman 2: No one here was it just our imagination?
Usopp had his body as the tree as he was hiding behind it. He ended up falling on the sand.
He saw another Guy waving. But the guy was trying to warn him
Usopp: I'm okay
The fisherman gets up. Maybe a little too okay?
Zoro: What is taking so long? Where is Stella and Luffy gonna show up? Five more mainland I'm gonna die of boredom! He saw an octopus and ended up getting a ride.
Arlong came in to see all his brothers down. What the hell happened? What happens here...my brothers?
Fishman: Rorona...
Arlong: What? What are you trying to say?!
Fishman: Roronoa Zoro...
Arlong: What. The pirate hunter? Did he come to collect my head?
Fishman: No, he didn't come... That guy... He was Zoro!
Fishman: That haramaki guy we caught was Roronoa...
The Fishman caught Usopp
I caught him, Arlong-san! What is the world?
Arlong: Took you long enough, choo.
Usopp: Don't tell me zoro--
Zoro made it to Cocoyashi Village
Hatchan: Arlong should be there. Bye-bye now. He went back into the water
Zoro went to find Arlong.
Arlong steps on Usopp. Catching this scum isn't enough to satisfy my hunger!
Usopp: Yeah, huh? Should you let me go? I was just saying hello earlier that's how we do it in my village! Laughs. A knife was by Usopp's nose
Arlong: But you're Zoro's men. However, it's only natural for famous bounty hunters I come after me.
Usopp: Don't kill me! I don't have anything to do with Zoro!
Arlong: Enough of your poor lies. You stood up to Arlong-san too. Domestic looks like you're going to live either way.
Usopp: Hey! As a matter of fact, Zoro and I are really close! So just try and lay a finger on me Zoro won't stand by quietly!
Arlong: Oh? Which means if I kill you zoro will come back?
Usopp: No, you're
Wrong! Killing I'd be very bad if you keep me alive, Zoro'll show up! But if you don't, if you keep me alive, zoro won't come!
Choo: But how exactly did Zoro? Escape from our prison?
Arlong: What do you mean
Chip: What I mean is, someone let him escape.
Fishman: Arlong-san. Does this sound plausible to you? Perhaows Nami let Zoro indicate this place so he can take your head!
Choo: Now that you mention it Nami has been acting strange lately.
Fishman: Yeah, she even helped when he jumped into the water... Don't tell me she working with Zoro from the very start..and tricked us all.
Nami was listening from the front gate
Betrayal is her specialty.
Nami: That's enough of that! Quite discussing stuff based on a bunch of conjecture! She walks up. Watch what you say. Me, a traitor? I swore I was a member of their group eight years ago, with this tattoo!
Arlong: sorry. Nami. It's only natural for you to be upset. But rest easy. I don't suspect you one bit. You and I've known each other for eight years now! We were just a little one edge is all.
A/n Sorry for the cursing. That's Bullshit
The one reason we do need to get rid of are Roronoa Zoro and His group
Usopp: Hey, Nami say something! Nami?
Nami: Mind Zoro just had to go and do that...
Arlong: What's wrong, Nami?
Fishman: You seem a little pale.
But, as for Long-noea here...not even you can save him now. After all, he defied Arlong-san.
Nami: How long. How long are you going to suspect me?! You're too smart, you see. I'll have the about Arlomg and I agreed to soon! Why would I betray you know? 
Usopp: Agreed amount?!
Fishman: You agreed eight years ago to buy Cocoyashi Village from Arlong-san for 100 million berries. But u just can't make sense of it. You betray the village the villagers and your parents, and only true money, so why do you care so much about Covoyashu village?
A/n has anyone told him to ever mind GUA businesses?
Why such a puny little village? Actually, I found this...in your room.
Nami: That's my...
Zoro: Say what? Usopp's been captured?!
Man: Yeah! That took him to Arlong Park a little while ago!
Man 2: Brave as he was that youngster defied Arlong! He surely dead by now!
Zoro: Damm. Oh all the times to get caught, it had to be after I killed some time there! He runs back. Usopp sat alive!
Fishman: Is this a treasure map? It seems to be pointing to Coviyashi village... Treasure in Cocoyaahi village
Nami: That's my own personal map! It has nothing to do with you all!
Fishman: Oh! What wrong? You suddenly look so furious...
Hatchan: What is this? What in the world happens here?
Arlong: It's the works of Rornonoa Zoro, the pirate hunter. Where were you, Hachi? This could've been prevented had toy been here!
Hachi: Of course it could've had I only been here! This is unforgivable!
Fishman: Meaning you don't know where Zoro disappears to?
Hachi: Well, all I saw was one slightly suspicious swordsman whom I'd never met before... It was him?
Chip: You did see him, you idiot!
So where did Zoror go?
Hachi: He wanted to see Arlong-san so I just took him to the Cocoyashi Village!
Arlong: Meaning there's no reason to rush out in a hurry. He's looking for me, too.
Hachi: He said he was a guest of yours, you see. And I didn't think you'd be back so soon Arlong-san...
Usopp: Mind Zoro huh? This means if I can just buy myself a little more time... He went to get his Slingshot
Nami noticed it.
Why are you getting in the way? Everything is so close to working out! She knocks him out with her Staff.
Usopp: Damn you picking a fight.
Nami: You're getting in my way. You're the one to blame! This is what you get for messing with Arlong?
Usopp: Nami! You really disappoint me! Even after you stole our ships and ran off Luffy or Stella didn't suspect you one bit! Even now, they completely trust you! Bow can you think of someone like that with such an uncaring look?
Nami:The only thing I trust is money. Those who get fooled are the fool
Usopp: Say what?
Nami: Everything was supposed to go smoothly. You guys are going to make my eight years of business meaningless. She takes the knife. So the least I can do is get rid of you by my own hand!
Arlong: It seems like you become a lot more pirate-like since you were last here!
Usopp: Get rid of? Laughs you get rid of me. Don't make me laugh!
Nami: I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you 
Usopp: Mind Damnit. If I stay here, I'll be a dead man for sure! Special Attack! Smoke Star!
Now's my chance!
Nami: This is just like something you'd think up. She then used the knife on him.
Nami: It's for my business! This was my only choice!
Usopp: Nami how could you...
Nami: Die like a good boy.
Usopp falls into the water.
Johnny: Big sis Nmai killed Bro Usopp!
Nami: That's what you wanted, right To die at sea...
Fishman: Nami. I'm sorry for doubting you. You're our friend.
Nami: Friend. She gives him the knife. I have no friends! There is only one reason why I joined this group! To but Coxoyaahi Villag! She walks past them
Keep your part of the bargain! I'll have 100 million berries soon
Arlong: But if you're. I'd rather cut my belly open and die than break a promise concerning money. That's the kind of man I am.
Nmai: Gald to hear it, Arlong. You know the score.
Fishman: She's one creepy girl.
Arlong: What a truly great woman she's become!
A/n They haven't Seen Stella Mad yet.
Johnny: A witch! She is a witch he runs away
Buffy: There it is! Arlong park! The Sea-monater was slowing down
Hey! Don't get tried, cow!
Yoasku: Yeah, Big Sus Stella's kick must've really taken their toll
Buffy: Hey! Not that way! To the left! That building!
The sea-beat war going to the wall
Nami felt a rumble.
The ship was thrown into the air.
Buffy: It's almost like we're flying!
Sanji: Not like. We are flying, dumbass!
Zoro was lost.
The boat was going threw the forest into Zoro
They ended up crashing
Buffy: we made it
Zoro: what the hell are you guys doing?
Luffy: What do you mean? We're here to get nami.
Stella: Have you still not found her? Oh yeah! And want about Usopp and Johnny
Zoro: Usopp. That's right! There's no time to be loasfing around m here! He ran off
Stella: What wrong?
Zoro: That bastord's been caught by Arlong! We gotta hurt before he's killed!
Johnny: he was killed.
All: What
Johnny: Were too late... Big Bro Usop is dead! He was killed! By Big Sis Nmai.
They all looked at him.
Usopp was walking on the beach with something covering him
Am I a ghost?

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