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Centuries ago, there was a war that changed everything. Friends were turning on friends, the government was brutally murdered, children were left orphans. Buildings were demolished and it was almost like the end of the world.

However, people of great intellect and influence fought their way up to the top and persuaded people that they could make the country great again. This elite group is known as THE GOLDS.

From there, a new era was born and Atheria was created. Society was rebuilt and peace was restored. The Golds created a new system for control where each individual would be assigned a colour the day they turned 16, symbolising their place in society.

The colours would be based on an individual's personalities, characteristics, thoughts and destinies. When people turned 16, they would go to the Central Tower which had the most high tech machines which sent people through all kinds of scenarios and their colour would be calculated.

At first, people thought this was absurd but they had no choice, there had already been so much pain and death.

As generations passed, the colour-based society solidified. An individual's assigned colour determined their destiny and relationships as it dictated their professions, living arrangements and social circles

The different colours are:

The Golds are an elite group that only gets a new member once every few years as the standards are very high. They are pretty much the definition of wealth and power. They occupy positions in the government and council, enforcing the rules of the society. They work from the top floor of the Central Tower which is full of windows and computers to overlook the country. They get the best houses, more like castles.

The Blacks have a considerable amount of influence in the social hierarchy as they are known for their sharp intellect and efficiency. They most commonly occupy roles in education and law enforcement as they ensure the rules set by The Golds are upheld.

The Whites are pretty much the middle class of Atheria which symbolise purity and conformity. This is the second most common of the colours. They live in well-maintained neighbourhoods and have a range of occupations such as artists, craftsmen and many other professions.

The Greys are working class and the most common colour in the country. They perform essential labour and services across Atheria. They reside in modest homes and engage in a range of occupations, contributing to the infrastructure of Atheria. Although they have limited opportunities, they are well respected due to all their work.

The Colourless are those who do not fit into either category and struggle to survive in society. They are often found in makeshift shelters and on the outskirts of the country. They are quite largely ignored and are just what every person fears to be.

After put into a colour, one cannot have intimate relations with a different colour. However, they can be friends/acquaintances with another colour. Unless of course, it is a Colourless. They are excluded by every colour and anyone caught fraternising with one is punished.

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