Fairytale Au P2

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It's been 3 weeks since you last talked to Tam, he was always in and out of the town, making her at least partly happy to have someone to hang out with. He always liked to stop by the bakery, however he didn't know you were a princess.

Now it was almost the Lunar Sky Festival in the kingdom and you had to choose a prince or else. The advisors were not happy that you declined EVERY SINGLE PRINCE, and mandated that you had to marry one or else they would choose one for you. Which for you made you desperate, you were talking to Tam about pretending you were dead then running away.

So you now were venting to Tam, in your little spot in the corner of the village. Tam was petting his dog while listening to your vent. He nodded and spoke when you asked. He never asked about you too much and in return you didn't ask about his history much, which he appreciated. He looked up when you finished talking and asked if there were ANY guys that seemed decent. 

You just looked and shrugged. He rolled his eyes and adjusted his fur coat. You always knew he had a certain past but never would talk about it, but you beckoned little Cerbie to you and the little pup ran right to you and you fed it some beef stew you had made.

What you didn't know was that Tam knew who you were, where you came from, and what position in the palace you were in. He had been wanting to ask, but never found the right time. Well, better now than never?

He stood up and sat down next to you, while you were feeding Cerbie.

"Are you lying to me?" he said calmly. Your head snapped up and quickly looked away.

"Lying about what?" you ask, trying to sound not worried. He looked at the stars.

"You don't need to keep it a secret, I know you're the princess of this kingdom, you leave because you hate staying in the palace just looking for a suitable prince. You hate all the princes and wish you could just find someone who understood you. So you go to the town, where everyone knows who you are, yet they treat you normally." he stated.

You sat there stunned. You look at his face, he had a small smirk.

"So did I get it all?" he asked. You manage to stutter out:

"How did you know?" you ask. He chuckled.

"I listen, I observe and I ask some people." he said, calmly. Cerbie suddenly starts twitching, causing Tam to give the dog a look, and it gives him a look right back.

"Well, now you know all of my secrets, maybe spread some of yours???" you ask hopefully. Then suddenly, Cerbie pops out 2 extra heads.

You just stared, and whipped your head around to look at Tam, who's face tried to look like he was confused. Until the pieces clicked.

"Tam, why didn't you tell me you were the son of the KING OF DEATH!" you yell. He covered his face in exasperation. He looked back up and yanked you back down to sit.

"Fine, I am, I hate my father so I leave to be normal like you! Okay! And I think you're cute!" his eyes widened at the last part. His cheeks flushed a pale pink. His face was not as red as yours however.

"So, um you think I'm cute?" you ask again cheekily. He glared and mumbled a quiet yes.

"Do you like me more than a friend???" you ask. He hides his face even more and mumbles a very quiet yes. Making you so happy you practically flew to the moon.

"This is great! Now since we both like each other, AND your a prince, I don't have to be with an idiot I don't like!" you cheered. Tam lifted his face and smiled.

"That's a good way to look at it." he chuckled and wrapped his arms around you and gently pressed a kiss to your forehead. You blush and gently hug him.



I felt chaotic today :)

But yeah, the two of you try and decide to tell your parents, that you have found the prince that you liked. The joy in their eyes were sooooo big. Then Tam came in, and one of the advisors fainted. 

Yep, the poor guy fainted. 

Tam awkwardly waved and the family still greeted him warmly, just glad you had found a good man to marry. The advisors were in shock and the one that fainted was just laying there. But hey, everything worked out and you and Tam and baby Cerbie enjoyed the fireworks and some food, before falling asleep together.

Okay this one I kinda felt some chaotic energy, so this is super fluff and silly.

Let me know if I should do more AUs and what kind. I really like doing Fairytale and Royal AUs sooooo.......

Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night and enjoy reading!  - Moonstar

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