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Jake was glad when he finally reached his room, he let himself hit his bed with a oof and rolled onto his stomach although his peace was interrupted when jay walked in. 

"Hurry up and wash, you stink" Jake gave the American a glare before standing up up with a stretch, he grabbed himself a towel before heading out the room. He felt himself grunt with pain when he felt his head smack into something hard he blinked the dizziness away looking up he froze up his face flushing when he saw bare skin then the stern face of heeseung who was staring at him. 

"O-oh hyung sorry," when Jake didn't respond he looked up and heeseung was still staring at him saying nothing, starting to feel awkward Jake looked down fiddling with his fingers he couldnt help but stare at the elders abs not rock solid but noticable, also seeing the little snail trail leading down where the white towel was wrapped around his waist, Jake felt himself staring to drool imagining what was underneath it. 

"That's it?" Jake widened his eyes quickly snapping up to stare at the angered expression. 

"h-huh?" Jake stared dumbly his ears standing to ring he felt his armpits start to sweat. 

"Shouldn't you be saying more after what you pulled last night," Jake watched as heeseungs jaw clenched and suddenly jakes mind went blank. the elder just continued to look at Jake and Jake couldnt think, he felt an overwhelming amount of guilt wash over him and felt his heart speed up. Heeseung had never been mad at him before, yeah there was slight telling of here and then but never an argument between the two. 

"Hyung im really sorry it won't happen again I didn't even realise the time im sorry," Jake looked at the elders face for any kind of reaction but he just saw the same expression.

"hyung I've already scolded him give him a break," Jake flinched from the new voice turning he saw Jungwon with his arms crossed. He heard heeseung scoff from in front of him. 

"Yeah I can tell," before Jungwon or Jake could question him he walked off with a roll of the eyes disappearing into his room. 

"wonder who stuck a stick up his ass," Jake couldnt even laugh at Jungwon heeseung occupying his head. 

I need to make it up to him somehow.

"Come on Jake ignore him we have better things to discuss" jake stumbled when Jungwon grabbed his arm dragging him into his and jays hared room. Jake winced when jay looked up from his phone giving the two a weird look. 

"Jay I need to speak to Jake can you leave," Jake couldnt help but notice jungwons flushed cheeks that were redder than usual and his fidgeting as he shifted from side to side on each food avoiding eye contact with jay.  Jake rubbed his mouth trying to stop the smirk that was threatening to come up on his face. 

"What why?" jay looked pissed looking between the two, "This is my room to," Jake turned his nervous glance to Jungwon who stared at the older for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders. 

"Ok hyung but we're gonna be talking about dildos and sex toys specifically jakes," jakes eyes widened turning around ready to hit Jungwon who just took a seat on his bed like he didn't even just expose Jake. 

"Wha-" Jake gulped when jay stood up grabbing his headphones and stomping past Jake who was sanding like a statue ready to piss himself.

"What the hell man keep me out of it weirdos," Jake flinched when the door slammed shut and gave Jungwon a death glare.

"what the actual fuck Jungwon." Jungwon didn't even bat and eyelash as Jake picked up the closest thing he could find- which happened to be a lotion bottle and chucked at Jungwon who caught it with a smile.

"oh come on im not lying come sit," Jake spluttered and disbelief standing where he was. Jungwon heaved a sigh before patting the space next to him with a raised eyebrow. Jake grudgingly trudged over chucking himself next to the leader who had a note pad and pen.

"So we need a plan" Jungwon looked at Jake who just sat was a confused expression. 

"Number one seduce our crushes" Jungwon wrote as he spoke and Jake found himself groaning leaning forward trying to shush the younger. 

"What are you talking about and be quiet" Jake would rather be anywhere but sit here and be in this conversation right now, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest and his face was flushed in embarrassment.

"Hyung you can't keep being embarrassed we need to do this" Jungwon had a serious look on his face and Jake knew the leader was being deadly serious.

"Fine wonie work your magic" jungwons face lit up as he turned to Jake with his legs crossed. 

"First thing first we need to look attractive" Jake squinted at Jungwon giving him a wtf look. Jugnwon just stared back and Jake could already feel a head ache coming on. 

"I know we're attractive but what would they be attracted to" Jake gave a tilt of the head trying to wrack his brain trying to remember if heeseung had every mentioned his type or if he had ever mentioned something about an attractive fan or idol. Jakes thoughts were caught of when Jungwon spoke up shyly his cheeks red and eyes down on the notepad.

"I overhead jay saying he likes pure girls who reveal skin" Jake spluttered in shock staring at Jungwon with wide eyes. Jungwon continued writing down in his notepad before turning to Jake with a smirk. 

"I also overhead heeseung" Jake couldn't help the way his face lit up with interest leaning towards Jungwon with wide eyes. Jungwon snorted at Jake who just retracted with a blush looking down. 

"Hyungs a pervert" Jake flushed even more red now more curious to what Jungwon overheard.

"Hyung said he likes revealing clothes so he can show off marks he makes on his partner" Jake gaped staring at the leader trying to figure out if the leader was lying or not. When he saw that the others face was just as flushed as his he realised he wasn't lying. Dropping his head into his hands he couldn't help the long groan that came out his lips. He peeked at Jungwon who finished writing in his notepad to which he proudly showed the older Aussie. 


1. Seduce our manz with revealing clothes that I ordered online(if failed go to next point)

Jake stared at the leader with his eyebrows raised, Jungwon continued to look at Jungwon with raised eyebrows. 

"What clothes did you order?" 

Jungwon smirked "Don't worry hyung were matching and there coming tomorrow as a surprise" Jake blinked taking the information in. He's fucked.

Unspoken Desires; heejakeWhere stories live. Discover now