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I woke up and immediately and just knew something was off. I turn to my right to try to snuggle into my Haz, but I realise its empty. That means we have stuff to do with management. "Louis, babe are you up," I hear Harry say. I don't respond and just hope to go back to sleep.


I don't get a response out of Lou, so I go upstairs to see what's happening. I go through the corridor and pass Niall and then Liams room to final reach our room. I look to see my baby still asleep so peacefully. "Lou, baby are you okay," again I don't get a response. "Mmmm," finally get a response and I am alarmed straight away because of the pale look on his face. "Lou, I hate to do this, but we have 2 interviews, a photo shoot and rehearsals. So, we really must get up." He finally talks to me," Okay. I will meet you down there." "Okay I will start breakfast what would you like". "Anything will do."


I get up and just put on anything I find on the floor. But as soon as I reach for a clean t-shirt, and I feel as though I am going to faint, so I just sit for a couple minutes. After sitting for a while, I get up and make my way towards the kitchen table. "Hey Louis, what's got you up so late," I hear Niall call. "Just tired. Everything is catching up to me." I reply in the simplest way possible. I finally sat down at the kitchen island and Harry came over to me. "Hey babe I made you some eggs and toast. Enjoy." I am so happy that h is my boyfriend sometimes for days like these. "Thank you, babe."

*Hours later*

It's a couple hours later we have just finished the first interview. I barely spoke and just answered when questions were specifically aimed at me. We are now sat in a cramped van going to our second interview. I lay my head on Harry's shoulder just trying to get some shut eye. "Are you okay babe?" I say yes not wanting to worry anyone, but I know they all just looked straight through me. We finally get there, and I was able to get the littlest amount of sleep and if anything, I woke up feeling worse. Harry wakes me up with the smallest touch and the sweetest voice. "Baby, I hate to do this, but we really need to go in the building." I wake up slightly but still not fully. "Niall don't panic but there are crowds of paparazzi," Liam announces to the car. This just makes my head feel even more foggy. The idea of being pushed and shoved just made my stomach growl and I grow even more nauseous. Harry seems to notice and grabs my hand to comfort me. What makes it even worse is the fact that Me and Harry must go at opposite times because of stupid management. Paul then announces what's going to happen. "First we will have some security guards try to make some kind of path, but I cannot promise you it will be a simple thing." We all nod, "So first Louis, then Zayn, then Liam, Niall and lastly Harry." I just groan I just want to be in bed. Just before I must leave harry pulls me aside, "I will see you again in under 5 minutes so do not worry about it."

We get in with minor casualties except the whole fact that I am dizzy the whole time. Harry finally gets to me and makes me sit down straight away.


When I reach the room, I see Louis and he looks pale and just out o it. I guide him over to a nearby seat and I'm not even sure if he knows it's me, but I keep on whispering "It's okay" and "Don't worry" to him trying to comfort him in every way I could. I tried to give him some water only to be ignored. Seconds later he passes out straight into my arms. I lay him down in my arms and keep his head in my lap. Everybody in the room looking towards him but my whole focus is making sure he is okay.

After many minutes of anticipation Louis finally wakes up. He opens his eyes and makes a whimper. "Hey babe, Good morning." I spoke trying to get him to respond. "He-y." "Hey how are you? "It takes couple more minutes to process on how to answer but he says, "I-m go-o-d."

We got him sat up on the chair again and drinking water. My anxiety is through the roof I just want to get him home and in bed never able to get up again. But I know that management would never allow it. Louis seems to notice that and explains "Hey, I'm sorry that happened I'm just a little under the weather and as soon as this interview is done, we can go back to the house and sleep for a bit before rehearsals tonight." I agree with him, and we carry on with the day. Not without the underlying worry in me.

*Time skips to them back at the house*

Me and louis are laid in bed and finally we get to have a private conversation. "Louis when I say this, I mean it that if you ever feel ill again you tell me straight away." I feel Louis nod against my chest. "I mean it. You don't have to always be the strong big one you can be vulnerable too." I look down and see a quiet sleeping Louis with a nice and peaceful face.

Hope you enjoy this and I will take any requests or critics about my work. I enjoyed writing this.  1005 words. This is one of my longest pieces I put a lot of work and editing into this but it could probably due with some more editing .

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