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Part One

Keeper of the Lost Cities

(Book 1)

Noreh picked at her gloves—a nervous and bored habit—while her teacher, Mr. Sweeny, went on about his lecture on dinosaurs. He'd taken their whole class on a field trip to the museum, not realizing that no one cared unless the giant dinosaur sculptures came to life and started eating people.

"Miss Foster," Mr. Sweeny said, grabbing one of Sophie's headphones. "Do you think that you are too smart to be listening to my lecture?"

"No, Mr. Sweeny," Sophie mumbled, opening her eyes.

"How about you give this lecture, if you think you know it."

Sophie recited everything about the albertosaurus from glancing at the sign at the beginning—Noreh knew because she'd also glanced at it, and like her sister, had a photographic memory.

Mr. Sweeny sighed, grumbling something like "know it all" as he walked to the next room.

"Great job, super freak," a kid wearing a shirt that said back off, I'm gonna fart! Sneered as bumped past Sophie and Noreh. "Maybe they'll write another article about you. Child prodigy teaches class about the lame–o–saurs."

"Leave her alone," Noreh ordered.

"Why should I?"

Noreh stretched to her full height, but was still shorter than him. But she didn't feel threatened. She hardly did. She'd taken taekwondo, gymnastics, and self defense. She could drop him in an instant.

"Because you want to," she said, her voice changing to a gentler tone.

He held her gaze before leaving. Noreh smirked and turned back to Sophie, who gave her a scolding look.

"You're not supposed to do that in public!" She hissed, glancing around at the people.

"Why not?" Noreh asked, her voice quiet and soothing.

"Noreh! Stop it! Some'll find out!"

"No one will, but fine. Be stubborn."

They both rolled her eyes in unison, and Sophie stared into the distance. Noreh followed her gaze to a boy around fifteen or sixteen, with dark hair and teal eyes. He leaned on a dinosaur structure and held the newspaper with Noreh and Sophie's senior photo.

They were twins—only twelve, and were a senior in high school. They guy shrugged off the platform and headed their way. He walked up to them and asked, "this is you guys, right?"

Sophie nodded numbly.

He squinted at the picture, then at them. "I didn't realize you had brown eyes."

"Uh, yeah."

He squinted at Noreh, and his eyes widened. "Are your eyes purple?"

"And if they are?" Noreh countered, ready to drop him at the first insult.

He shrugged. Good. He was scared.

Noreh and Sophie might be twins, but they had very different personalities. Sophie was more shy and followed rules, while Noreh was headstrong and fierce. Though they were both an equal amount of stubborn.

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