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Nore was having the worst day of her life.

Not only did she nearly choke to death by seeing how long she could hold her breath under water, but Grace wasn't there and Tam the Moody Shade got mad at her for absolutely no reason.

And it just so happened that Stina (she had a lot of words she wanted to use) told Sophie the only reason the Vackers were being friends with her was because Alden wanted to keep an eye on her, so Sophie fled and Dex went to check on her and they went into a cave and there was a big tidal wave so the two of them were now missing.

So yeah, worst day of her life.

She locked herself in her room, hesitant to trust the Vackers anymore and only letting Keefe in to bring food. He tried to see how she was doing but she just pushed him away and locked the door when he left.

Fitz, Biana, and Alden kept trying to hail her but had no luck. Alden even visited and tried to see if she was okay but she wouldn't unlock the door, no matter how much he pleaded and how much Cassius ordered and demanded her to obey him.

Then Sophie and Dex's disappearance was announced a tragedy and that they were dead. Noreh barely ate anything Keefe gave her, and he was left having to force her to eat. He hailed Elwin one time, but Noreh wouldn't let him in.

Finally, the day of Sophie and Dex's plantings came. Noreh wore a silky green dress that got lighter near the bottom, matching her hair. She twisted the emerald ring Grace had mysteriously left at her desk the day Alden announced the missing elves were dead.

Noreh had just finished fish–braiding her hair when Keefe knocked at the door. She opened it and found him dressed in a green jerkin, his hair less styled than usual and his eyes bloodshot. He offered Noreh the smallest and saddest of smiles. She just looked down and grabbed his hand, clinging to him tightly as they met his parents downstairs and leaped away.

The ceremony was crowded but Noreh, the Dizznees, and the Ruewens were in the front. Noreh had Keefe stand next to her, since she didn't like the attention and she didn't trust herself not to attack Stina or go on a psycho rampage.

Edaline looked terrible. There were dark circles like bruises under her eyes and her figure was slumped. Grady didn't look any better. The Dizznees were hard to interpret. Kesler was tense, his face hard. Juline was crying softly, and the triplets were standing still, looking at their brother's tree.

At the end of the ceremony Noreh and the Dizziness stood by their family's tree. The Ruewens stood a little far away in the middle, unable to decide what side to stand on. People passed by and gave their condolences.

Lord Cassius and Lady Gisela left early on, telling Keefe to leap straight back to CandleShade after Noreh was done. The Vackers were the last to come through the line for Sophie. They tried talking to Noreh, offering condolences and apologies and trying to explain, but she was too numb to say anything.

Eventually they gave up and left. Edaline and Grady watched from afar. Noreh took a deep breath and headed over to them. They looked alarmed at her arrival but stayed where they were. Keefe drifted uncomfortably around them, unsure if he should take Noreh away or not.

"I'm Noreh," she said. "Y–you were Sophie's foster parents?"

They glanced at each other hesitantly before nodding.

"I didn't see Sophie that much, and I only met you once," Noreh started. "But I know she loved you guys a lot. I–I. . . appreciate that you guys were able to take care of her while she was here. Thank you."

They smiled grimly, guilt and grief on their faces. Noreh took a deep breath and hugged them, closing her eyes. They were shocked at first and tensed, but Edaline hugged her back and Grady gave in a bit after.

They were all crying when they pulled back. Even Keefe had a few tears when she walked back to him. She gave him a quick hug before they leaped back to CandleShade and she locked herself back in her room. Then she finally let herself break down, crying on the floor as green ice spread across the floor and on the walls, icicles suspended in the air.

She fell asleep on the floor and woke to the sound of breaking glass. She jumped to her feet and faced the intruder.

Grace had her long chocolate hair straightened against her army green collared tunic. She wore laced black boots and dark leggings. She knelt down next to Noreh, an empathetic look on her face, like she understood what Noreh was going through.

Noreh grabbed her hand and stood, stumbling into Grace as her vision blurred again and the nausea hit harder than expected. Grace caught her and steadied her, looking worried.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine," Noreh gritted out.

Grace hung her head. "It always happens to us. There's no fix."

Noreh looked at her weirdly. "What?"

Grace shook her head. "Nothing you need to worry about yet. When you're ready I'll take you to Forkle. Just take a couple of deep breaths first, okay?"

Noreh breathed in a long breath. "Why do I need to see Forkle?"

Grace put her hands on Noreh's shoulders. "Because we think we've found Sophie."  

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