Purple (A/N)

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     Today is the day that I am taken from a place that I know well, to an unknown place in Nevada or something like that. I am taken from the small circle of tolerators ("friends" sounds too possessive and personal for me) I've managed to built over a span of the 9 years in school. 

     Today is the day I spend with 5 other people all silently screaming at each other. Today is the day I watch my mom stare longingly at my father for the entire 397 mile drive, as my dad watches the road intently with his jaw clenched pretending not to notice. Today is the day I listen to my 15-year-old sister smack her gum and talk to all of her friends on her phone about how "Rad" the new house is. Today is the day I watch my older brother stare vacantly out of the window and cry, because today was the day he left his girlfriend of 4 years. Today is another day my heart feel sympathetically empty.

     Today is the day I apologize repeatedly to my everyone, and none of them acknowledge me. Today is the day I make eye contact with my mother in the rear view mirror, and she quickly averts her gaze. Today is the day my mother gently runs her thumbs over the purple bags clinging to my eyes. Today is the day my mother tells me to rest. Today is the day I walk into each rest stop and take another sleeping pill, hoping my mind will allay even for a moment.

     Today is the day my 17-year-old sister rests her hand on her swollen belly with sullen eyes. Today is the day her fiance left her, claiming distance is too hard. Today is the day she became a single mother to a 7 month old fetus. Today is the day I apologize and make promises of abetment. Today is the day she laughs in my face because I can't even handle myself. Today is the day I make myself as small as I possibly can, because I am too much. Today is the day I wallow in self pity. Today I create equations in my head as to how I can be both too much and not enough at the same time.

     Today, I am purple. Today I am purple like the color underneath my eyes every morning, because my mind Is too wild for slumber. I am purple like the busted blood vessels on my knuckles and arms because I am full of so many colors that I drag them out of my flesh. I am purple like the color under my mom's right eye that she thinks her sunglasses and makeup hide. Today I am purple like the vein running down my wrists, that I tried to rip open to get rid of some of the colors. Today I am purple, because purple is almost blue, with just a hint of red.

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Okay so: 

This would have an actual story line and everything, not just "Today I" and I would probably just make it a regular story, not a fanfiction.  I really like that colors can describe feeling, and I really like the concept because it causes me to actually think about what I'm writing. I would end each chapter with "I am _____" and the blank would be a color. I would then elaborate on what relevance the color holds to the story. It's a gradual and laid back way to tell a story and I think it would be really cool, but I have 1 question;

Would anyone read this? I don't want to make anything that no one would enjoy other than myself.

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