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They arrived at the Four Seasons Tree and Noreh immediately took off running, the three elves hot on her heels. A few feet away were two unconscious figures, obviously Dex and Sophie. But something strange started happening to Sophie. She started to sparkle.

"No!" Fitz shouted, sliding next to her. "Biana, go hail Elwin. Keefe, take Dex to Everglen. Noreh—"

"I'm staying right here," Noreh said with determination.

Biana fumbled for her leaping crystal—her imparter was back at Everglen. Keefe picked Dex up and slung him over his shoulder, grabbing Biana's hand. The two looked at Sophie in worry before stepping into the light.

Noreh knelt next to Sophie, trying to hold back tears as she looked at her sister. Sophie's skin was starting to turn clear, and the glitter started rising up to the sky (A/N: I don't know if that's what fading looks like but that's how I imagine it).

Several long, painful moments passed as they waited for Elwin, and Fitz let out a laugh, a tear trickling down the side of his cheek. He looked up at Noreh and gave her a relieved look. He was talking telepathically to Sophie.

"Where is she?" Elwin demanded, running at them. He gasped when he saw Sophie. "Fitz, pry her lips open."

Fitz obeyed and parted Sophie's lips. Elwin poured a white medicine down her throat, and she coughed.

"Don't fight it, Sophie," Elwin warned. "Your body's not ready to be awake."

Fitz seemed to be transmitting to Sophie, and finally she succumbed to the sedative. Elwin worked on stopping her from fading while Noreh and Fitz stayed next to Sophie and watched.

Finally, when Elwin thought she was safe to leap they went to Everglen, where Alden, Della, Keefe, and Biana immediately swarmed them. Elwin ordered everyone aside and brought Sophie up to one of the guest rooms.

Alden followed and Della put a hand on Biana's shoulder, who was looking at Sophie and stifling sobs. Keefe gently grabbed Noreh's forearm and led her to a couch in another room, and as soon as they sat down, she burst into tears.

Only they weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of anger. Anger at Mr. Forkle for leaving Sophie in the alley, angry at the Neverseen for kidnapping her, angry at the Council, angry at the entire Lost Cities.

Because none of this would have happened if they'd stayed in the Forbidden Cities. The Neverseen didn't even know where Sophie was until she arrived at the Lost Cities. And maybe, just maybe, if Noreh had actually lived with Sophie in the Lost Cities, she could have stopped this all from happening.

She cried out all her emotions into Keefe's shoulder until she couldn't bear it anymore and passed out right there.

Her dreams were full of darkness and taunts. Full of pained memories.

Sophie, unconscious, in Mr. Forkle's arms after falling on the stairs. Noreh manifesting after waking up in the hospital. Sophie screaming in pain, saying the voices hurt but no one was speaking. Sophie's drained, fading body by the Four Seasons Tree.

Everything Noreh lived for revolved around her sister. She couldn't imagine a life without Sophie. And now she had Keefe, her new brother. If Grace felt that way about Cahto. . . then Noreh would do everything in her power to help her half-sister find her twin.

She woke up with a jolt, and strong, gentle arms from behind pulled her back. She whipped her head around and spotted Keefe next to her, looking sleep deprived. Biana was asleep on the opposite couch beside Della, who was nodding off. Alden, Fitz, Elwin, and Sophie were nowhere in sight.

"Is she. . . ?" Noreh thought through the haze, taking deep breaths.

Keefe put an arm around her shoulders to keep her steady. "Elwin's been with her all night. It's a slow process. Fitz and Alden have been with him the whole time. They said. . . they said Bullhorn was lying next to her."

Noreh gulped, resting her head against his shoulder. "I'm guessing that's a bad thing?"

Keefe paused a second, needing to clear his throat. "Elwin told me before that whenever a banshee lays next to someone, it means they're close to death."

Noreh sucked in a breath, trying to stop the black snowflakes flickering around her fingers. Keefe grabbed her hand and squeezed it, making Noreh feel the slightest bit better. And even though her sister might not stay alive, she couldn't help but wish Shang was there.

Of course, it was ridiculous. She'd only seen him once, and she didn't even know him all that well. But there was just something. . . something about him that she just. . . found unique. She didn't know what, but he was just. . . amazing.

She stood before Keefe could feel the change in her emotions and made an excuse saying that she needed space. Keefe understood and let her go, and when she was out of sight, she headed to Everglen's Leap Master and leapt to the Forbidden Cities—but not before freezing and snapping her registry pendant off.

Noreh glittered in front of a familiar restaurant and took a deep breath before opening the door. At a booth far in the corner, all by himself, was a figure with dark, shoulder-length hair. Now it was her turn to be the one to walk up to his table.

"Knew you'd be back," he said before she even came into view. "You never got to try the cheeseburger."

Noreh laughed and sat in the empty seat across from him, a tray holding a cheeseburger and fries on the table. By the looks of it, Shang had already eaten two and was eyeing her fries.

She resisted the urge to hug him and grabbed one of the fries—which was still warm. He tried to steal one but she slapped his hand, earning a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know I was coming?" Noreh asked, needing an answer and confirmation that he hadn't stayed at the restaurant the entire time she was gone.

"Easy. I used a spyball," he answered casually.

"Wait—so you're an elf too?" She gasped. "I mean, I guess that makes sense. But how are you here? Isn't it, like, illegal to have contact with humans?"

Shang smirked and stole one of her fries. "I don't really care about the Council's rules. Besides, they don't even know I exist."

Noreh's jaw dropped, and she put the cheeseburger she had just picked up back down on the tray. "What? How does the Council not know—"

Shang pressed a finger to her lips. "Because they weren't notified of my birth. My mother, Vespera, is in prison. So a group called the Neverseen took me in when I was born. If I could, I'd leave in a heartbeat. But I can't."

"Why not?"

He leaned closer to her, so close she could feel his breath on her cheek as he whispered, "they're the group that took Sophie. And I might be able to take them down." 

A/N: Yay! We finished part one!! You guys know how it ends, with Sophei recovering, getting adopted, etc. Same thing happens with Noreh (though she doesn't need to recover) and she gets adopted by the Sencens, because she doesn't want to leave Keefe alone in CandleShade.

I'll try to write the next part as fast as I can! Hope y'all have enjoyed this story so far! Please comment for any ideas, thoughts, or anything random. I would love to talk to you! All ideas will be considered and I will answer all questions as well as I am able !

That's all for now peepsicles! Until next time, be safe and have a great day/night!


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