Chapter 4 - The Ghost

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Warnings: mild angst, reference to violence, references to sex trafficking, reader being sassy

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Warnings: mild angst, reference to violence, references to sex trafficking, reader being sassy


You were back at work the next day with a renewed sense of optimism. Everything was turning around, maybe everything would really be okay.

And no bumping into Nick for at least a few weeks. It meant you could entirely focus on throwing yourself into your new job. No distractions.

As you sat at your desk typing a few handover notes for the other Assistants covering your work, you saw Agent Leigh stumble in and plop himself down in his desk chair. His pathetic pout complimented a nasty looking black eye and bruised nose.

Oof. You couldn't hold back your wince as you took him in. He caught you staring and met your gaze. You froze, unsure of what people are meant to say in situations like this. He seemed...different. His usual bravado muted. His shoulders slumped. You supposed a shiner would do that to even the biggest ego.

"Uh...Rough night?" You offered gently, hardly believing you felt something resembling sympathy towards him. Or pity at the very least.

He frowned but the effort of moving his face seemed to cause further pain. He grimaced.

"Something like that" he muttered.

It seemed as if his big mouth had finally got him into trouble. You were only surprised it hadn't happened sooner.

"There's a few ice packs in the cafeteria freezer" you offered, kinder than you should've been. "Might help the swelling. Speak to Helen the catering manager, she should be able to get them for you".

He nodded. "Yeah...thanks".

You went back to work thinking that was that, but he spoke again.

"Hey..." he said meekly.

You looked back at him.

"I'm sorry...for what I said yesterday...when Fowler was here...that was really rude. And not appropriate for the workplace at all. I apologise".

You blinked in confusion. Someone could've offered you infinite chances to guess what he was going to say next and you never would've picked that.

"Oh....well....thank-you" you replied.

He looked at you pathetically. "So...uh...we cool?"

You nodded. Well...No. But you didn't really want to drag this out any longer.

"Sure" your smile artificial.

He nodded tentatively. "So...if I apologised, and we're good now. Right?"

You frowned, somewhat bewildered. "Uh....yeah. Okay. But why would someone ask?"

He shrugged unconvincingly. " know. If anyone did".

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