Act 1, Chapter 5

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Bebe looked up at the blushing Wendy and decided to play around a bit (😖).

"Awe, are you blushing~? I know I'm that cute~!"

Wendy blushed harder as Bebe sat up and gave her best friend a smirk.

(Bebe does this all the time, it normal 😜.)

While Bebe was pulling her Clyde rizz moment, Wendy couldn't stop thinking about how she was going to kiss her.

Bebe giggled cutely as she rubbed her eyes again.

"If we were ever a couple, I'd definitely be top."

Wendy looked at her and shook her head.

"No, me."

Bebe crossed her arms.

"No, you give bottom vibes."

Wendy gave a scoff.

"Not true!"

Bebe got on top of Wendy.


She gave a smirk while Wendy blushed.

Wendy then got an idea and flipped over, now she was on top.


They gave each other smirks as they wrestled on the couch for like 5 minutes.

This was obviously normal, Bebe constantly flirted with Wendy, even when she was in a relationship.

(Totally not based off my friendships 💀.)

But, it was just the nature of their friendship, and everyone turned a blind eye.

But, Bebe meant the flirting in a different way.

But, Wendy never noticed, and just thought that she was just the female version of Clyde.

(Bebe and Clyde broke up a long time ago, now, they act like literal siblings ^^.)

Eventually, Wendy was on top of Bebe, she had pinned her wrists down on the couch.

And now, they were out of breath, in a very inappropriate pose.

But, Bebe liked that pose.

In fact, she loved that pose that they were in.

Wendy looked down at her with a out of breath look, then she had a smug look as she got off of Bebe.

"Hand over my money."

Bebe rolled her eyes and giggled, grabbing her wallet from out her pocket.

"How much you want, bestie?"

Bebe flicked through her stacked wallet that was probably stolen from Heidi when she dropped those 200 bucks a few days ago.

Wendy held up ten fingers, still smiling when Bebe handed a ten dollar bill to her.

Bebe then grabbed her phone and checked the time.

"Shit! I gotta get home!"

Bebe gave a quick hug to Wendy.

"Bye, bestie!"

Bebe ran out the house and got her car started.

Wendy sat there with the ten dollar bill in her hands, totally confused.

Bebe was blushing hard when she left the house.

She knew that Wendy liked her back.

Hi, my babies!

I'm sorry for not posting yesterday!

Something awful happened in my personal life.

So, I most likely won't be able to post for a few days.

I hope you all understand.

I'm currently dealing with some insomnia, that's why this is at 1 in the morning.

I really am sorry for the fact this story is on hold.

But, this story will be finished eventually!

That's a promise!

I love you all so much!

Stay safe, don't do illegal drugs, y'know the drill!

Bye bye!


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