the start of the problem.

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Dipper opened his eyes and looked around in confusion, he was in some kind of cavern illuminated by artificial lights and no one seemed to be in sight.

"What?... where I'm?" shouted Dipper still confused by his predicament.

He then tried to move only to noticed that he was currently tied up to a log, with that discovery his confusion quickly turned into fear.

"what?... what is going on? Where im and why I'm tied up? Someone please answer me." Shouted Dipper even more loudly than before.

Dipper then heard the steps someone.. or something approaching and then..

"So how is my future Quee.. Wait a second.. you are not Mabel." Shouted Jeff the Leader of the gnomes accompanied by an army of other gnomes.

"You again... seriously can't you leave my sister and me alone?" Shouted Dipper now with his fear turning into anger after seeing the creep that tried to force his sister to marry him.

Meanwhile Jeff couldn't help but be annoyed by the fact that the person in front of him anst his beloved future (in his delusional mind.) Queen but instead her noisy brother, he then looked to his subordinates with an angry facial expression and shouted...

"This isn't my beloved Queen.. this is just her annoying brother."

"Hey who are you calling annoying." Shouted an indignant Dipper not liking being insulted by of all people a stalker gnome.

"No one asked your opinion." Said a still annoyed Jeff who then continued his verbal assault in his servants.

"How could you have failed this mission? It was a very simple plan, first we spread a fake rumour about a magical box that could create unlimited candy to trick my beloved Mabel into going into the woods and then you morons would capture her and bring her to me. Seriously how do you kidnap the wrong human?" Asked Jeff trying his best (and failing.) to control his wrath.

His gnome minions were quaking in fear and till one of master up courage and then said...

"Sorry.. Boss.. b.. but it was a understandable mistake."

Hearing this Jeff became even more enraged and shouted...

"How is this understandable? I asked for a Queen and you bring me this unfunny jester instead."

"Hey." Shouted Dipper again feeling indignant by the gnome use of words to describe him.

"Again no one asked for you opinion." Said Jeff to dipper.

Then the same brave gnome continued his explanation to try to justify his and his companion's failure.

"Like I said my was an understandable mistake."

"How?" Asked the leader of the gnomes now a little calmer wanting to see what kind of excuse his idiot servants had.

"Well my majesty they twins, even if not identical they still look a lot like each other, the haircut and clothes are the only way we could distinguish between the two and when we found them in the woods it was night and they were using jackets to protect themselves from the cold... so, we simply caught the wrong twin." Said the poor peasant gnome trying to control his fear.

You little... shouted the gnome leader before starting to have an idea after hearing his minion explanation.

" have a point." Said Jeff now strangely calm while touching his beard.

"No pl... Wait... Really?" said the second-class gnome surprised that his king hadn't order for him to covered in cement and to be used as a garden decoration.

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