Lily's POV:

"How come you never told me dad? I could have helped, i know i could have.."

My dad and i were seemingly walking through a nameless forest, one that i had no recollection of; sun light filtered through the high tree tops but never seemed to touch either of us.

"That's sweet of you baby girl but you cant really help out just yet, there will come a time and a place when you'll have to do your part dont worry."

He stopped walking right before a particularly large patch of sun in the grassy ground and finally turned to face me, slim fingers worrying at the glasses that were sliding down his nose; his brown hair was matted in some places and there were dark shadows under his eyes but the rest of his face seemed to have a pale glow.

"I hate seeing you like this dad, what happened to you?"

Dad chuckled, one of his hands grasping at the back of his neck and tugging at a few limo strands of his hair.

"Ive been asking myself the same thing, im convinced that it's my own personal sometimes..."

He took a tentative step in my direction but thought twice about it and just positioned himself closer to the shadows

"You're so grown have your mother's beauty, little wild flower."

It took a few minutes for what he said to click in my brain and when it finally did, i wanted to curl up on the squishy floor and cry.

"That day..after the walls died, didnt you?"

The air grew warmer around me while he began to cry, the warmer the aura got around me, the harder it became to see him.

"Live a life worth living Lily, never have any regrets. Please."


"It's been two whole weeks and she's still not up yet, do you think we should risk moving her to a doctor?"

"Not a chance in hell, where would we take her anyway? She's safe here."

Captain Levi?

I peeked an eye open and all but hissed when a slight movement sent waves of fire up and down my neck, the burning sensation growing worse the more conscious i became; Levi turned around slowly and the other person slipped silently from the room, the door shutting with a soft click.

"Try not to move too much, a few of your ribs are cracked and one hapf of your collar bone is broken."

I tried to sit up and nearly cried out when the pain knocked me back out again, Levi simply shook his head until i finally gave up and stopped moving; it wasnt until i looked down that i noticed the top half of my body was wrapped in tight bandages.

"I told you not to move idiot, that didnt feel too good now did it?"

I rolled my eyes and looked around the small room that i was in, baren all except for the tiny bed that i was in and a singular chestnut dresser on the other side of the room.

"No, it doesn't, thanks for being so considerate. What the hell happened to me anyway?"

I reached my right hand up to touch my forehead and it too had thin bandages wrapped around it, all but my fingers were bound tightly; i felt some padding on my head and just let my arm fall back to the sheets softly without aggravating the wounds.

"The last thing i remember, i was having lunch with Reiner and then i got detained.."

Something cold flashed through Levi's eyes but it was gone by the time i blinked,  the fingers on both of my hands grasping at the silken sheets absentmindedly.

"What? That bad?"

"I hate to kick a person while they're down, but you're in for one hell of an awakening sweetheart."

*Two Hours Later*

I stared at the sheets dumbfounded while angry tears flooded my eyes and ran down my cheeks, cooling as they dripped from my chin and got absorbed by the bandages on my chest; Levi was perched carefully on the edge of the small bed and his arms were tightly folded across his chest.

" you're telling me that they're the ones who broke down wall Maria? brother was kidnapped by the both of them..because of whatever happened between him and my father.. there's a bounty on my head because they think im aware of what happened..the hole's been patched i missing anything else?"

"Nope, that's about it. Im shocked that you havent asked the most obvious thing yet though."

"My mind is a little preoccupied at the moment so you'll have to just. . tell me, what should i be asking?"

Levi gestured around the room with a lazy wave of his arm before he pointed at his own chest with a finger.

"Why you're here with me and where you are."

I wiped the tears from my eyes with the palms of my hands and sniffed distastefully, my brain felt numb but my head was still throbbing over Reiner.

"You'll have to excuse me if im not paying too much attention-"

"I get it but still, you need to know if you plan on stepping foot out of the house. You're in the guest bedroom of my house but as far as the higher ups are aware, you died in that holding cell they had you in. You need to stay incognito until this problem with your brother is solved."

"The scout regiment-"

"They dont need you right now, they're fine on they're own."

I curled my hands into fists and hissed, pissed beyond the use of normal words.

"Im not allowed to leave?"

"You can do whatever you want, but i wouldnt recommend it. I dont mind you housing with me until it's all settled.''

"But ..why? Im nothing to you, just another cadet passing through the regiment.."

"If you were nothing as you say you are, you wouldnt be here right now."

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