'Finally, I'm done packing for Otheon. I can't wait to see Rody again!', I thought to myself after I finished packing my suitcase. 'I would probably get some sleep, I have a long flight tomorrow'. I got on my usual pajamas and laid down under my All Might-themed blanket. I then set my alarm for two hours before my flight so I would be able to make it on time.

Not even five minutes after I put my phone down I started to feel the effects of sleep weighing on me. But before I was able to fully be submerged into sleep I heard an indescribable calm voice say "Rest my child for when you wake you will have a new adventure to take. A family of three and a friend of yours you will see. But to earn this adventure of family and love you must face a scary and evil process. Enjoy this adventure for once you wake you will find a treasure more precise than any other.". After barely being able to keep awake for the mysterious message sleep finally took over my body. As I fell asleep all I could wonder was 'What did that voice mean?'.


When I woke up all I could hear wear the many voices passing by, and all I could feel was the unusually hard surface under me. As I opened my eyes I began to notice that I was no longer in my dorm, but outside in an alleyway. I shot up from the ground in panic, trying to process what is happening but all I could hear were the voices of the people who walked by not noticing that I was even there.

As I took deep breaths to calm my heart and stop the racing thought in my head I looked out the entrance on the ally and to my surprise, everyone looked like…… regular human beings, another interesting detail is that they were wearing fashion from the 1940s. 'what is going on?' as I walked out of the ally I searched for the nicest looking person I could find, spotting an older couple I quickly jogged to catch up. Once I was able to reach the couple I lightly tap the male of the two on the shoulder. He turned and looked at me for a moment before getting a weird look on his face and looking me up and down he responded "Yes?" in a questioning voice.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me where I am? I'm sorta lost and don't know what's going on." I replied in a polite voice.

"You're in Ostania young man" the older male replied. 'wait, where? Ostania? I've never heard of this place. I don't remember seeing it on any maps in history class either. Is this a new city, county, or state? And if so why are there no mutant quirks walking around? And why is everyone dressed like it's the 1940s?'

"Young man, are you alright, you look confused and you're speaking at a rate I can't understand. And what's all this about quirks?" the old man asked seeming quite concerned.

"Oh I'm fine, don't worry and I'm quite sorry for going off on a tangent. It's a bad ha-" I paused and replayed what the old man had said without thinking, I blurted out "You don't know what a quirk is? But eighty percent of the population has one, how can you not know what a quirk is?". The man then gained a look of confusion on his face, but before he could respond I took off running while yelling "Thank you" and "Sorry for bothering you".

I ran until I reached a secluded area of the city. Once I was able to find an abandoned warehouse I went in and stood in the middle just staring at the metal wall….. Until I collapsed to the floor crying, and letting a little bit of Blackwhip out in the process unknowingly, as I had finally put the pieces together and realized that I was no longer in my own time, I was in an era that was before quirks. That also meant that his family and friends weren't born or even thought of.

I was so deep into my thought that I didn't even notice the behind me had opened. A couple of seconds later danger sense started going crazy before I could even get a look at my surrounding two men in white trench coats came up behind me and grabbed both my arms even with Blackwhip still active. Then a third came in front of me white syringe filled with what I assume is some form of sedation medication. Before I could order Blackwhip to get the people away from me or even activate the strength aspect of ofa I felt the needle of the syringe being stabbed into my neck, that was when danger sense started acting up even worse. That medication ended up working quite fast, seeing as I went limp in the arms of the two men restraining me and not even ten seconds later I was out like a light.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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Izuku's New Life as a Forger(MHA X Spy x family)(cross-posted on ao3)Where stories live. Discover now