Tsetseg is Gang Namsoon?

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Si o was standing in his office,lost in his thoughts from what he found out earlier.Tsetseg, the only one he trusted,the only person in the world in which he had trust in,was actually a spy.Perhaps for him she wasn't just a mean he used for his own good,like he did with other people,she was his light when he was down.The only one who made him smile that much,betrayed him in the worst way possible.
"Should we kill her?" asked the man standing in front of him.
"Dare to lay one finger on her,and I will  make sure you will be chopped into pieces."replied Si o coldly.
"But,I don't get it..She's your enemie's daughter." Said his secretary confused.
"Soo what?I decided so.Get out of my office,now." Answered Si o standing on his office chair.The secretary left.
A few minutes later,the door opens again.There she is.The one who made him go crazy,but isn't he too soft with her?
"Si o!!" Exclaimed Namsoon with a wide smile as always,damn,that smile really was contagious for him.Except this time,he was in no mood for that.He didn't know what to do,should he play along,or make her pay the price?He really wanted to keep her next to him,but he couldn't stand being spied.
"Tsetseg,don't you have anything to say?" Si o said getting up from his chair,coming closer to her.
"No...?Oh I know!How are you doing today?Is that it?" Namsoon asked clueless.Si o clicked his tongue and looked around annoyed.
"Did I do something?" Namsoon asked with a confused face.
" I don't know,did you,Gang Namsoon?"said Si o with a cold tone,it was like he was putting salt on a wound.
"Si o.." Namsoon started realising why he was angry.
"What ,you think I wouldn't have found out?Come on,I'm Ryu Si o.What is bothering me the most is that I did everything for you.Did all of this mean fucking nothing to you?" He said with a raised tone,while looking away from her.
"You're a drug dealer!Hell, even a mafia member!I have to help the police get you!"Namsoon said annoyed.
"Who cares?I could be an alien for fuck's sake,you would still spy on me?Did you really feel nothing during your time with me?Even right now,I'm being soft on you.You're lucky Tsetseg,cause if it were someone else in your place,I would've killed their whole bloodline."Si o said whining.Namsoon rolled her eyes.
"Oh please!You were preparing me for war.You want me to fight against your little mafia family!"Namsoon made her point clear.
"That is true,that was my initial goal.But I swear,I've never opened up to anyone this much!I was and I am falling in love with you Tsetseg,or Namsoon whatever your name is.You don't even realise your the one without a heart.Just get out of my office!" Si o said while walking closer and closer to Namsoon causing it to pin her to a wall.Then he realised the tension between them.
"I have a boyfriend,and you are a killer a mafia member and a drug dealer.Not to mention you tried to kill my mom!" Replied Namsoon slowly,trying to wake up from this weird but comfortable tension between them.
"I'm sorry,but you know what I went through,you know my wounds,why did you never try to explain this to your mom.Maybe if she didn't come at me I would've stopped." Si o said looking into her eyes.
"You're a criminal,you kill people." Namsoon tried to deny the fact that she felt something too.
"Forget it,I thought I finally found my soulmate." Replied Si o hopeless while pulling away.Namsoon ran away slamming the door behind.Si o didn't know that in fact,Namsoon was also destroyed by this.She wished he wasn't problematic.It would be a lie if she said she never felt anything with him.She just prefered Hee sik more,but little did she know that Hee sik was a bit,different.

Two days after.

The big screen on a building was annoucing that Doogo stopped drug transporting and all illegal activties,everybody was shocked.How could that possibly happen?
It was night,Namsoon was walking home when she saw another silhouette on their apartment's window,but it wasn't a man's one.She went quickly to their floor and opened the door.She couldn't believe her eyes.It was Hee sik,but he was drunk, and with another girl.That's what broke her most.She ran away,hurt by the sight.She went to a nearby park.It was cold outside.She was trembling and crying,but she just couldn't bring herself to go home.Namsoon felt a jacket being put one her from behind and then the person who did the kind gest sat next to her.She turned to see who it was,it was..
"Problems with your boyfriend?" Asked Si o avoiding her gaze.
"Yes." Namsoon didn't try to deny that.
"Screw him,he's an asshole." Si o said while pulling out a cigarette to smoke off his worries.
"Stop that,you're the dumbass" Namsoon said while throwing his cigarette away.
Si o pulled her closer and made her lay her head on his shoulder.
"You're being weird." Namsoon admitted.
" I'm just taking care of you."Si o said smilling.
"Did you perhaps stop everything because of me?" She asked curious.
"Yes,I did." Si o didn't hesitate to tell her the truth.
"Why?" Namsoon asked surprised.
"Soo that I could get a chance to date you." He said confidently.
"You changed for me?" She said still shocked,pulling away from him.
" I did." He said smilling.
"You dumbass,you were supossed to play the villain,my mom already had a plan for you" Namsoon,said trying to hit him,but he caught her hand in time.
"I love you,Tsetseg."Si o said looking into her eyes.
"What?" She was even more shocked.
"Are you on drugs?" She continued.
"I told you I sold them all." He said.
"Be with me,please,just one chance.I can't eat,sleep,murder people without thinking about you."Si o said waiting for an answer.
"The part about murder doesn't really excite me.." She said laughing.
"Damn I missed that smile so much.." said Si o to himself,totally aware that she could hear him.She suddenly stops laughing and looked into his eyes.He got closer to her then proceeded to close the gap between their lips.It was crazy,they continued to kiss until they ran out of breath.
"I guess there's no more going back now.." Namsoon said smilling.
"I'll never let you go,Tsetseg." Said Si o determined while pulling her into another kiss,it was getting hot in there..

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