It was a dream?

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Can you believe.It was all a dream,he didn't get back with her.In fact,Namsoon was living her  life with Hee sik.Si o knew that he missed her like crazy,but not to the point that he becomes delusional.He wanted to tear apart every little thing he saw in front of him.
"I'm sorry,mr.Ryu,someone called for you,should I let them in?"asked the secretary.
"Let them,but not for too long." replied Si o coldly.
"HOW COULD THAT POSSIBLY HAPPEN?YOU GOT FOOLED BY A MERE WORKER?" said while barging in angry.Si o didn't say anything,he just looked her in the eye.
"Shut up." Si o answered to her angry blabbering while exiting the room.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?HEY!" she continued to yell.

He went to the Han river.He sat down and looked at the lake.He was shocked.He,the cold Si o,got fooled?He put his all in her.He told her his secrets,he let her make him do things.He let a lot of things to happen.She was his ray of sunshine in a dark world.In the end,he got betrayed.Si o just stood there hopelessly while looking at the sky and drinking some more soju.He was hurt,really badly.In a few hours,he got really drunk,that was one of the first times he had ever gotten that drunk.

2 a.m. Namsoon's apartment.

The doorbell rang.Namsoon was in the apartment's living room,waiting for Hee sik.
"Who is it?" Asked she cluelessly,while heading to open the door,only to find a surprise.
"What?Were you expecting someone else?" Si o said while laughing.
"What are you doing here,asshole."she muttered under her breath.
"You know,you're the only one I thought I could have trust in,but turns out,you betrayed me,but whatever!You choose a police officer over me,that's alright.Keep doing that,Gang Namsoon."He said while leaning on the door frame.
"Hey,Have I ever told you-"She started.
"how much I love you" Si o continued smilling.Namsoon was shocked.
"You're a drunk mess." Namsoon said annoyed.
" I don't care.I want to be with you,and you know nobody did me this dirty before."He said while almost falling.
"Go home,my boyfriend is gonna be here soon."she said with a cold tone.
"Ugh,hee sik there,hee sik here.When is that guy gonna stop being so annoying?"he said scoffing.
"Look just go away."Namsoon told him.
"No,I missed you." He replied refusing to go.He then fell on her,he was just too drunk.Of course she could carry him,so she did that,except on an outside bench,in a nearby park.Just when she was about to leave she heard him say.
"Don't leave.."Si o said still drunk.
"I need you." He continued.
She stopped for a second,then turned back to him and stood in front of him.
"You did a lot of bad things,which I don't agree to."she told him.
"You know damn well I would sacrifice the world for you,and I would even change for you.I would die for you." He said.Namsoon was speechless.
"You're drunk,good night Si o." She said while going away.

She went home and waited for Hee sik.
Finally,he came.
"Hee sik!!" She said filled with happiness,while running to hug him.
"Sorry,I'm not in the mood today."He said nonchalantly.
"What?But you always were happy?What happened?"Namsoon said confused
"Life isn't always pink,Namsoon,not everyone has your perfect life with butterflies and rainbows."Hee sik said tired.
"Ok,then..I'm going to sleep." Namsoon said a bit hurt.She was starting to think if she did something wrong,she really loved him.He was the one she always loved.

After a few weeks,Heesik stopped coming home and he was busy with work,at the same time,he was really depressed.Then he made the big step.
"I think we need to break up." He said also sad.
"What?" She said confused.
"I'm not happy with myself right now and I'm not good for you,so I think it's best that we go separate ways."he said still hurt.Namsoon started to tear up.
"I wish you only the best Hee sik.Goodbye." Namsoon said disappointed.
"Goodbye.."Hee sik said while going away.

Namsoon cried all day long,her mom was really worried.
"Don't cry because of a stupid boy,you still have some time to find a boyfriend."she tried to cheer her up.
"He was the best guy ever."Namsoon said crying.
"Sometimes,it's better to let go." She said while hugging her daughter.

After a few weeks of suffering,Namsoon got a new job,only to get her to forget,little did she know,she would end up finding or rebounding with her happiness there.She got accepted,of course,tomorrow was her first day.She got all dressed up,in pretty clothes.The company was a big one,it was recently opened but it had great succes,it helped people with different illnesses.She was going to work as a simple office worker at a desk.
"Good morning everyone,I'm Gang Nam soon,your new colleague.Hope we get along!" She said smiling then going back to her seat.
"Today there's a conference we must attend,you'll also meet the Ceo there,he's a nice guy I must say.He runs multiple businesses." The team leader told her.
"Oh,that's great" she replied politely.
When the timd came,they went to the meeting.There was one employee presenting the economic status of the company,which is a very good one,in fact,the company was making its first 10 billion.She then heared the door opening ,and everyone was saying hello,so she turned her head to see who it was.Namsoon was more than shocked,it was him.It was Si o.He was also shocked,but he started smiling.Wait,is he the Ceo?No way.
"Please,continue." Si o told the employee.
"Thank you,sir." The employee replied.
The whole presentation he was staring at her,he wouldn't even take his eyes off her.She sometimes made eye contact with him,but she quickly turned her head to the board.
"Soo,what do you think,did she do a great job?"asked the team leader.
"Sorry,what?" He asked,he was left behind because of how focused he was on her.
"Did she do a good job with the presentation?" The team leader repeated smiling.
"Yes,of course.She did an exceptional job." He replied.

After the meeting,Namsoon left quickly,but that didn't save her though.She got called to his office.
Everybody was shocked,they thought she already got in trouble.
"Long time no see." Si o said smiling.
"You're supposed to be planning how to kill me." Namsoon replied.
"I told you once,so I'll tell you this till you get it. I really love you,Gang Namsoon." He said confidently.
"Everybody is going to doubt me because of you." Namsoon complained.
"What?Why?It's not like I'm doing something?" He said while standing up,and coming close to her.
"Or am I?" Si o said,an few inches far from her face.Namsoon could feel her cheeks light up.
"Why are you blushing,Tsegtseg?You have a boyfriend." He asked teasingly.
"We broke up." She told him.
"Oh,I see,soo now you don't have a boyfriend?That means I can be with you,can't I?" Si o asked while smiling.
"No!Ugh,such a tease!" Namsoon pushed him away.
"Really,I missed you." He admitted.
"Me too.."she muttered under her breath,so he couldn't hear.
"What was that,Tsetseg?"he asked confused.
"Nothing,now,please dont call me to your office anymore.People will start to get some random thoughts about this."She explained.
"So what?Let them speak."he insisted.
"Besides,you know that we don't have a great history together." She told him
"I will make it better." He said.
"I need to go,bye." She said while running.
"Bye,namsoon." He waved smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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Is it so hard for me to be loved?(Si o and Namsoon)Where stories live. Discover now