The First Decision

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author's note: im soooo bad about updating ugghhh. i have all these ideas I never know which one to put! well i redid this so hope u enjoy:D s/o to abby waites YOU BETTER BE READIN THIS BIISCCHH


There is a moment in time, a split decision, a single second that defines your life. At the time you don't realize it.

Maybe you decided to go to the movies and meet a cute guy, who turns to a cute boyfriend, into a hot fiancé, into a balding husband.

Or maybe you decide to do meth, get caught,imprisoned, which causes you to get fired, which causes you to move back home with your parents, which causes depression, which leads to a sad attempt at suicide, which causes you to end up in a mental hospital the rest of your sad life.

Whatever the decision, it is the precise moment that changes the outcome of the situation. What if you hadn't sat in row B next to that cute guy? What if that police officer hadn't drove by and saw you dry humping a bush with a needle still in your arm? The truth is you'll never know the what ifs in life, but only that pinpoint split decision that changed your life forever.

Mine happened to be opting for anatomy instead of chemistry my senior year.


"You ready for a new year, puddles?" My Dad asked, ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes. Puddles was an embarassing nickname I earned at the age four, when I had a,errr, slight bed wetting problem.

"No." I said grumpily.

"What classes do you have this year?" My Mom asked, sliding a plate of pancakes across the table.

"Uhm. I have Chemistry, Drama, Child Devolpment Care, Gym, Photography, Langugue Arts, and Buisness and Law."

"Seriously? No math or history?" My Mom shook her head in disapproval.

"Relax, it's my senior year."

"Yeah," my Dad interrupted. "Eat your pancakes, before you miss the bus.


The bus ride was a long and bumpy ride. Yes, I was a senior, who rode the bus. I had taken my driver's test twice and failed miserably. My "friends" said that I lived too far out, but I knew they were just lazy .

I arrived at school 20 minutes early. The school was jammed packed, as always on the first day of school. I'm pretty sure the first day was the only day 50% of the 2000 kids at RidgeWood High attended school.

I made my way through the back door, where the bus drops everyone off, trecked through the cafteria, and pushed myself into the mob of a lobby.

I quickly spotted my friend Ally. Even though she got on my nerves frequently, I thanked God I didn't have to endure this madness alone.

"Oh my God! Karly! You look adorable!" Ally squeeled.

I smiled. "You do too."

Ally was... well Ally was Ally... She was pretty,in her own way. She was a bigger girl,(more round than anything) had long brown hair, gorgeous light blue eyes, and wore red lipstick at all times.

She was wearing yoga pants, and a cardigan; odd contrast but she made it work.

"Seriously! I love your dress! Where'd you get it?"

I looked down at the peach colored, flower printed dress of mine. I never ever wore dresses, so this was a big risk for me.

"Uhh, Forever 21? I think?"

"Whatever! It's gorgeous."

"Thanks." I said awkwardly. I'm not very good at taking compliments. In fact I think I take insults better than compliments.

"So how was your summer? You look tan for once! Your hair is so long! Whens the last time you cut it?"

I rolled my eyes again. Ally could go on forever. " It was good. Yeah,I went to Florida, haven't even got a trim in a year now."

"That's awesome! Over the summer I went on a cruise and I met this really hot guy Trevone. We've been texting since. I think he likes me!"

"Oh my gosh, really?" I asked, faking enthusiasm.

Ally droned on, while I zoned out. As long as I laughed ocassionaly, and noded periodically she could go on for hours. Finally the bell rang.

Relieved I slid on my backpack. "See ya later." I mumered before dashing up the stairs. I checked my schedule. First hour, chemistry. Great. Room 409.

I was a few minutes early, but as always on the first day of school everyone else was early. I looked around,hoping to see a friend. No such luck. I saw a girl who bullied me in fourth grade though. Alana. I hated her so much. She flipped away her blond hair and gave me a snarky look. She turned to the girl next to her and began whispering. Fantastic.

I sat down in a desk near the back of the room. The kid in front of me smelled like cat pee. Probably a meth head. He turned around. His acne was horrible. Looked like a crater on his face. Poor kid.

"Do you smoke?" I sighed. I knew it.


He frowned and turned to the guy on his left side.

"Do you smoke?"

"Smoke what?"

They began laughing, and began talking about drugs. Suprise, suprise.

Everyone quieted down when the teacher walked in the room.

According to my schedule she was Ms. Bissell.

Her red hair was slicked back in a bun, and she looked like she meant buisness.

"Hello. I'm Ms. Bissell, if you don't already know. If you can take the pressure of this class, stay. This will be a strenous course and any one uncapable of staying on track I'd suggest to move classes immeditley."

We all just stared at her blankly.

"Okay, so some of you might not know everyone in the room, so we're going to play a get to know you game." The class perked up. "Starting with you," Ms. Bissell pointed to a black girl with frizzy hair in the front of the room. "I want you to state your name, tell one fact about you, and why you joined this class."

The girl rolled her eyes, and stood up. "I'm Leah, I'm black, and I joined cos my momma forced me to." She sat back down.

The class busted up laughing. Ms. Bissell looked a bit frazzled but continued down the row.

When she got to Alana, she stood up, and flipped her hair. "I'm Alana MerriWeather, I'm dating Brett Flub, and I want to be a biochemist." I narrowed my eyes. Brett was my crush. Another reason to hate her. He may have a wierd last name, but his looks made up for it. With short brown hair, sparkly blues, and get this, an austrillian accent, he was literally perfection. I knew I'd never have a chance but a girl could dream, right?

"Ahmm." I snapped my head up. The whole class was staring at me. "Uh, what?"

"You're name?" Ms. Bissell asked haughtily.

"Oh yeah. Um I'm Karly Davis, I have a yorkie named Snickers, and I love science. " As I was sitting back down I slipped on a stray chemistry book on the floor and landed flat on my face.

The whole class busted up at me.

"Ouch," said Alana loudly. "We don't want to mess up your face anymore do we?" The whole class was dying now. I looked at Ms. Bissell and she looked amused.

Screw this class. I thought.


The rest of the day went by smoothly. I sat with my best friends Amanda and Chase at lunch and even had a couple classes with them.

I was complaining to Chase in 7th hour, gym, and he convinced me to get a schedule change, so I did.

The counsler said the only two available classes 1st hour were either art or anatomy. I suck at art, so I chose anatomy, not knowing that one little decision would change my life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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