all carecter names.

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Toh names. And wariror names.
Willow   Willowpelt
Hunter. Hunter
   Luz.    Lighthearted
Amity.  Apple fur
Eda.   Sharpfang
King. King
Gus.    Gosefeather
Lilith.  Lilyflower
Odalia quickstrick
Alador mudfoot
Harvy. Dustfur
Gilbert greenleaf
Perry.   Crowfeather
Kiki.   Mapleshade
Belos is still belos old leder
Raine. rainstorm or rainstar new leader
Dariuse. Swiftfoot old deputy
Eber. Tigerspirit
Katra. sparkplelt
Darwin. Denise
Bosha. Cherryclaw
Vinny. Vinneytail.  Medican cat
Amber amberthorn
Cat is cat
Amelia. Acornfur
Emira is leafpool
Ediric. Tresses
Bria. Retail
Bumb. Blackfang
Calub.  Lionheart
Evelyn owlfang
Steve shortwhisker
Camila is camila
Jerbo. Boasnake
Scara bushtail
Tara snapdragon  sagecrystle
Agrean  thristleclaw
Vee is sharpshooter
Masha is just masha
Gwendolyn  dappletail
Dell  one-eye
Hooty is just a normal but very big owl still annoying
         Og carecters
Spotted pelt son of sharpfang and rainstar
Whiskerkit  son of hunter and willowpelt.
Lionmane son of hunter and willowpelt
Irisflower daughter of hunter and willowpelt
Winterfur son of hunter and willowpelt
Hazlefur daughter of hunter and willowpelt
Poppybud daughter of willowpelt and hunter
Aspinpric daughter of hunter and willowpelt
Ivykit daughter of hunter and willowpelt
Morningflower daughter of lightheart and applefur
Lightmud son of lightheart and Applefur
Fireheart son of lightheart and applefur
Crystlesol daughter of lightheart and applefur
Purpleheart daughter of lightheart and applefur
Blackclaw adopted son of gosefeather and sonebilder
Moonnight daughter of gosefeather and sonebilder
Duskyshadow son of gosefeather and stonebilder
Vilotshine daughter of cherryclaw and redtail
Goldpoppy daughter of cherryclaw and an unnamed tom
Honeystom son of cherryclaw and an unnamed tom
Moonflower mother of willowpelt
Robin son or lionheart and owlfang
Rosepeatal mother of hunter and wife of belos
Yellowclaw son of rosepeatal
Dustclaw son of rosepetal
Lilykit daughter of rosepetal
Daisymist daughter of Vinnytail and bushtail
Mistyfoot daughter of vinnytail and bushtail
Onyxleaf son of vinnytail and bushtail
Nettletail son of vinnytail and bushtail
Luna daughter of shapshifter and masha
Smoky a kittypet lightheart old childhood firend

Palisman are just simple spirets that guide the cats, then when they die or get killed (cough cough flapjack), they go to the stars

If you have read warrior cats and see some of the names are the same as some in the book, it's fine. I couldn't think of anything else on the top of my head.

(The art above is not mine)


Hope you like the book. I will not have an exsacted dew date of when each chapter comes out. At least not yet. You might be a little confused at first, and you are allowed to ask me any questions. ABOUT THE BOOK. Happy reading😁😊😋

Word count:444

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