Senpai and I

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"Kagamine Len."

The blonde-haired boy winced upon hearing his name being called. The owner of that sharp voice was his homeroom teacher, whose pokerface was unreadable. He got up and headed to the front of the class. The teacher gave him his paper while sighing. He peered open one cerulean eye tentatively at the paper in his hands. He got a 58 for Chemistry. Oh well. The teacher shook his head lightly at Len.

"Your other subjects are relatively okay, but you seem to be nearly failing Chemistry. Do make more effort on this subject, okay?"

He nodded and went back to his seat while sighing deeply. His grades this time were a little below average and if he wasn't careful, he might have to attend the extra classes after school. Beside him, Rin was trying to get his attention.

"Len~ Len!"

"?! Oh Rin sorry, what were you talking about?"

Rin placed her hands on her hips. She often looked displeased with him, hence the nickname 'Daughter of Evil'. She waved about her paper which had red circles on it.

"I was saying that we have to do something about our grades! At this rate I'll never graduate!"

Oh right, Rin was way worse than him. Secretly, Len felt a little better about himself.

"So what do you suggest we should do? You know we're completely hopeless without a tutor right?"

Rin's eyes rounded.

"A tutor? THAT'S IT!!! Let's get (y/n)-senpai to teach us! She's one of the prodigies in our school right?!"

Len blushed at the mere mention of her name. She was after all, his biggest crush.

"(Y-y/n)-senpai?! Won't she be too busy to help us?"

"We don't know that for sure don't we? Let's go and ask her!"

Without another word, Rin dragged Len to the class next door. Their class was just beside the senior classes, and by coincidence their closest friend was in the class next to theirs. Eyes followed them as they entered the class. Len gulped as they approached a single girl reading a novel. She often looked like an emotionless doll and cold, but it somehow Rin and her were quite close. Her (e/c) orbs shifted from the book to them. Len averted his eyes with a light glow on his face. Everything about her seemed so elegant, including her voice. It was like music to his ears.

"? Rin-chan is there something you need from me?"

"Senpai~! I was wondering if Senpai is free to tutor both Len and I, is that possible?"

She stowed the book away into her bag while Rin looked ecstatic.

"Sure, I'm often free after school. When do you want to have it?"

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