(Omake!) Picture Perfect

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*Your POV*

I blinked at the drawing I drew and blushed deeply. Did I seriously just draw something so... embarrassing?! My eyes darted about in alarm. Luckily, nobody in the class saw me drawing; they were too preoccupied with hanging out together and stuff. At least my loner status was useful in this aspect.

I closed my sketchbook just as those twins entered the classroom. Both of them had blonde hair and electric blue eyes; the girl wore a big white bow on her bob hair and the guy had his hair tied up into a ponytail. These two were my juniors who often made me happy each time they visit me. However, that wasn't the only reason why I was so happy.

"Hey there (y/n)! Let's go home together!"

I met the eyes of Kagamine Len, who smiled that smile I adored so much. My eyes sparkled as I swiftly hid the sketchbook. That didn't escape Rin's eyes though.

"Senpai you drew something new did you? Lemme see~!"


Oh great. Now the whole class was staring at me. My whole face was dyed with red as I kept the book out of Rin's reach as she froze in her place. So did Len, who looked more alarmed than anyone.


If Len ever finds out... If Len does... then where am I supposed to show my face?! So I did the most cowardly thing possible in that situation: I got up, I packed my stuff and bolted. There was no way I could ever let anyone see that drawing, especially Len!

I touched my cheeks and sighed to myself as I ran along the hallway. I must look like an overripe tomato right now.

How would I explain everything tomorrow?

*Len's POV*

Rin and I had our minds fixed on only one thing alone on the way home. What was it that (y/n) was trying to hide so desperately from us? Why was she so flustered? Beside me, Rin poked my arm.

"Ne ne~ I think Senpai drew something she wasn't supposed to... I wonder if it's something... R-rated-"

"Let's not go there Rin! (Y/n) isn't someone who is into that stuff!"

"Oh really? Well then, I guess we'll see tomorrow on Tuesday. We have to find out what Senpai's trying to hide from us!"

Rin's eyes shut me up from voicing out any objections. Once Rin had that look, that meant that I had to be ready to get dragged along on her whims.

Not that I'm complaining though, I too was curious why (y/n) was being so secretive.

*Your POV*

Day 1 of protecting my sketchbook and nothing bad has happened. Well, so far.

Rin and Len were really paying attention to their homework so I could rest easy for now. I was about to get immersed into my storybook when Rin got up suddenly.

"Senpai, I'm going to the toilet~"

"Oh? Okay see you later."

Just as Rin's figure disappeared into the hallway, I shut my book immediately. She couldn't be... going after my sketchbook isn't she?! I tossed the book away and darted out of the room, hearing Rin's footsteps increasing its pace. I knew it!


I chased after Rin as she ran up the stairs but instead of turning left to my room, she turned to the right (?). I followed her till she reached the toilet and shut the door behind her. My mind was full of question marks by this point. She really was going to the toilet? Rin's teasing voice came from behind the door.

"What is it (y/n)-senpai~? You can't be thinking that I would actually sneak into your room for your sketchbook would I? Silly Senpai~"

I kicked the door once in annoyance and headed downstairs with puffed cheeks. That idiot Rin! I entered the living room again, only to find the other Kagamine missing.

"Len? Hey Len where are you-"

"You can't be thinking I would actually sneak into your room for your sketchbook would I?"

Rin got me! I raced up to the second floor once more and slammed open the door to my room. As expected, there was Len who was staring at a drawing on the sketchbook. That drawing!

"Len! G-Give that back!"

Len casually gave it to me and I hugged the book tightly to myself, trying hard to not blush. It wasn't working; I probably look like a tomato by now. Len stared at me, smirked and came a little closer.

"! St-Stay away from me!"

"C'mon, why are you so shy Senpai~? Are you... embarrassed~?"

Like brother like sister, both of them are so annoying! Luckily Len stopped in his advance, so I didn't get pushed against the wall. Oh, so I barely missed the classic shoujo push-her-against-the-wall thing. The smirk on Len's face grew and I gulped. Somehow, he looked really... sexy. He pulled the book out of my grasp and showed me that drawing. I couldn't bear to look at it. There was the drawing of Len in a tuxedo, carrying me who wore a wedding dress in bridal style. How embarrassing! I covered my face once more. He just had to see that one!

"I-It's just an idea for a sketch! Nothing more than that! I wasn't thinking that much into it!"

"(Y/n), you're red to the tips of your ears."

"N-No I'm NOT!!!"

I turned around but kept those hands on my face. I heard his footsteps approaching me and suddenly gravity shifted itself. I collapsed backwards with support on my arms and legs. I removed my hands to see Len grinning from ear to ear.

"If you wanted me to do this, then you should have said so! Hey, I can wear that black-and-white tuxedo with that yellow tie (A/N: Len's blue moon outfit) and you can wear Miku's wedding dress costume! You'll look real good in it!"

D-Did he mean that extremely embarrassing one with the pink ribbon (A/N: Miku's white dress outfit) ?! I punched Len lightly in the arm.

"P-P-PERVERT! I h-hate you!"

He gave me a peck on the lips and then on the forehead.

"Love ya too, (y/n)~!"

"...Fine, I-I love you too..."

Len happily swung me around in his arms, forcing me to hang onto him so that I wouldn't fall. This only seemed to make him happier.

"That drawing's pretty good, but I'm sure the real one's even better! Let's go take a wedding picture together~!"


"C'mon, we gotta make your wish come true right? Besides, I want to see you in that wedding dress."

"N-No way!!!"

Len snapped his fingers and Rin appeared, holding up the last thing I ever wanted to see in her hands. It was that dress. I desperately called out to Rin who could be my last ray of hope.


Well nope, even Rin has betrayed me.

"You're going to look super cute in this Senpai! Thank god Miku left her costume here the other day and totally forgot all about it! Your wedding pic's so gonna be picture perfect!"


"C'mon (y/n), let's get married NOW!"

Either today was the best day of my life, or the worst day ever.

A/N: I love writing omakes, and I especially love this one! >w< So, would you marry Len?

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