Panic attacks

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Taylor shut the door behind her and fell to the floor. The number of people queuing outside her house for a chance to see her just kept increasing. She could deal with a couple paparazzi but it seemed as if there was 10 times as much as there usually was. Her head fell between her knees as she struggled to catch her breath.

Travis heard the door open from the kitchen and walked into the lounge to greet his girlfriend. Instead of seeing the happy and optimistic girl he usually saw, he saw a girl sat on the floor, curled in a ball, panting and crying.

"Hey.. hey Taylor." He said concerned as he knelt next to her. "Tay darling whats happened?" When her head finally jolted up her mascara stained face and her red eyes were revealed. Travis looked at her face, his eyes full of concern.

Travis noticed she was shaking like a leaf and struggling to breathe, he gently pulled her into his lap.

"panic attack?" he whispered, feeling her nod on his shoulder. "oh baby.."

his hand moved to gently rub up and down her back as he encouraged her to breathe slowly, whispering reassurances in her ear.

"what happened baby?" He said when Taylor had calmed down a bit.

"there were so many people.. they were all taking pictures of me and i look horrible" 

"dont.. dont say that you look so perfect.. my pretty girl" he whispered, before wiping tears off her face and kissing her forehead. The two of them sat cuddled together on the floor for what felt like hours.

"feel better now?" Travis asked, looking down at her. She only hummed in response but Travis knew this was because she was exhausted.

"i love you.." taylor whispered against his shoulder, nuzzling her head into his neck.

"i love you too.. my gorgeous girl."


BYEE IDK HOW TO END FANFICS. if ur reading i know its horrible this is like my first fic ever. IT WILL GET BETTER I PROMISEE <3


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