Eeenie Meenie, please dont leave me.

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  • Dedicated to Emily, Hayden and Callista. <3

Eeenie Meenie, please don’t leave me.


10 years ago.


“Eeenie Meenie miny mo, catch a tiger by its toe! If it squeals let it go, Eeenie Meenie miny mo!” Lilly sang, her blue eyes brightening as she sang to help decide who would be dared to run over the old bridge over the lake in our back yard, the same bridge our tire swing faces so we can leap into it when we get older and can swim.

Lilly’s face brightened even more as she came to herself out of the seven of us, otherwise meaning our brothers and I. Ace, Blake, Cam, Drake and Erik grumbled, unhappy that they couldn’t do the dare instead of Lilly.

Lilly’s face dropped at the lack of encouragement, her blue eyes watering slightly. I took my chance and pulled her into a hug; surprised she hugged me back and smiled the biggest smile ever.

“You think I can do it, Blade?” Lilly asked, her eyes widening slightly as her curly brown hair bobbed up and down. I smiled at my twin sister, my smile was full of encouragement and love for my sister; she’s everything you could ask for in a big sister.

“Sis, you’re the best! You’ll make it, I promise!” I said, smiling even more as she jumped up and down happily. That was the first time I ever lied and didn’t know.

“Thank you lil sis!” She cried happily, racing towards the bridge. She stopped and took a deep breath, closing her eyes before racing over the bridge at a quick pace. Her eyes opened again as she landed safe on the other side, by now my brothers where cheering her on loudly where’s I just smiled at her, the best encouragement I could give. I knew something was wrong, yet I didn’t stop her.

Mum and dad walked out back, smiling at each other with love in their eyes. Lilly started squealing for their attention, hoping for more encouragement but found none.

“What are you doing over there Lilly Rose Parker? Get back over here this instant! You’re in trouble young lady!” Mother scolded, her brown/hazel eyes hard as she glared at Lilly from next to me. Lilly burst into tears, she loved our parents but hated getting in trouble by them; she always wanted peace. Just like dad, it’s all he wanted.

“But mummy, please!” Lilly cried, tears pouring down her small pale face.

“GET HERE NOW!” Mother cried loudly, making my ears hurt. That’s not all that hurt in the end.

“Okay mummy!” Lilly chocked, closing her eyes as she yet again went over the bridge, it protesting the whole time. She was going to slow, too slow.

Mother smiled because she was being listened to for once, she hated being ignored. Mother turned and shooed everyone back to the house, everyone but me. I stood there watching Lilly take small steps, the bridge crying out under her tiny weight. This is when I think of, if only. If only she moved faster, if only.

That’s when it happened, a loud snap followed by loud screaming. Red, lots of red. Water; splashing everywhere. Screams, seeming to come from every direction, the loudest being mine.

“LILLY!” I screamed, running toward the lake I shoved my hand out, pulling as hard as I could as I felt her icy cold one clamp onto mine. I wasn’t strong enough, I tried, I really did.

I watched as her face sink under the water, slowly it became peaceful as her face was being eaten by the freezing cold water.

“I'm sorry, it’s my entire fault. I love you” I whispered, I swear I saw her smile. She heard me, she knew I tried; she could still smile where I believed I never would again.  

“Lilly! Please, you can’t go, please!” I cried, tears damping my pale face.

They didn’t know, my family didn’t hear the screams, they were already in side. I sat there and cried, I screamed, cried, whispered to nothing and tried my hardest to not just jump in with her.

“Blade!” Ace yelled, walking towards me. “Where’s Lilly?” He asked confused.

“She’s gone, she’s gone now Ace” I whispered, my small weak voice strained. A pain erupted in my chest, worse than ever before. I felt like I couldn’t move, I didn’t want to.

“I don’t understand” He replied, looking at the bridge. He face suddenly crumpled, seeing the red water of the lake and the missing piece of the bridge.

“LILLY!, LILLY WHERE ARE YOU? LILLY!” He cried, spinning in each direction, fear evident on his face. It’s useless, I tried.

“LILLY! COME ON THIS IS NOT FUNNY! LILLY! LILLY ILL TELL MUM!” He cried, spinning around still until his eye landed on the lake and bridge again, he crumpled to the ground next to me, crying his heart out.

“Lilly no, no Lilly” He sobbed.

That’s how my family found us, how my life went to ruins.

The day my sister died, shortly followed by two more deaths.

The death of my sick father and the death of my brother.

And let’s not forget the present day, where my mother abandons us.

We were born to live life, so live it.

But there no life worth living, not anymore.


Hope you guys liked it! Its short I know, but I hope it makes sense.



This is dedicated to my twin sister, Emily and my younger brother, Hayden. I know you haven’t left this world, but sometimes it feels that way. Wishing you’ll come back is the best for now, but if you somehow get this message; I want you to know how much I love you two. Family is family, and without you it just isn’t perfect, but I'm not going to complain, maybe that way you’ll get here quicker. Sometimes I regret leaving, but I can’t take it back even if I wanted to, but maybe for you I’d try my hardest. This is also dedicated to Callista; you’re the best step sister.

I love you guys so much, love Natalie.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2011 ⏰

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