Salvatia Intervenes into Gundam SEED Universe
Four reasons:
1.) Everyone wants to eager to see Salvatian's space fleet, mecha figthers, war & conflicts, and see more action of Salvatian army as well as Xavier Salvador as he will be part of the story.
2.) Salvatia may fight both Earth Alliance and ZAFT to rid of all oppositions (most notably racism, hate group, racial genocide, xenophobic, and supremacists) in order to establish the control of this universe
3.) Xavier Salvador will going to deal with main characters in his own way, and he is not someone to mess with, not even Blue Cosmos can be safe from him.
4.) This is non-canon story that is originally from my original story so I hope everyone enjoy reading it once it is published.
After watching through Omniversal Observation God's Eye, Xavier Salvador have enough watching people from different universe to see each other throats by their xenophobic behavior, racial conflict, terrorism committed by Blue Cosmos, and racial supremacy of Natural and Coordinator, he decided to sent his entire fleet to intervene to bring their conflict to the end in his own term, even it means declared war on both Earth Alliance and ZAFT for starting conflict based on race.
It's time for Xavier Salvador, the Supreme Leader of Salvatia, to teach those xenophobic supremacist bastards a lesson to understand their consequence will not go unpunished, and he is not very merciful when it comes of racism and racial supremacy.
EVERY SENTIENT AN EQUAL!!! (which is inspired by Huey Long slogan "EVERY MAN A KING!")
Story Ideas
FanfictionThis is just for giving ideas for upcoming stories that I have planning for it soon.