Special Story:Cenozoic Exploration part 2(late eocene and oligocene)

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*at late eocene what is now Africa*

Tagiru:this mangrove swamp is very important for ecosystem

Ryubi:correct...it can absorb more carbon than the other trees...even died it will store carbon dioxide in its root

Zatsuke:how fascinating

Few of them:*heard scream "an odd rhino went nuts!"*?!

*at the distance*

Senner and Akamatsu:*climb up the tree*

Arsinoitherium:*passing by then went to the river and swim*

Ryubi:*arrive with the others*look

Nigel Marven:It measured 2.5 tons, only slightly smaller than the modern white rhino and due to the similar features and sizes, Arsinoitherium is commonly thought to be an extinct rhinoceros species, but it is not closely related to rhinos; instead, their closest extant relatives are elephants and manatees



Zatsuke:*scanning that swimming arsinoitherium*

Dobushi:excellent scanning

*at the middle of the ocean what will be Sahara desert*

Senner:look at the below

*so they went to the bottom part to see it*

All of them:*impressed*

*at outside*

Pod of dorudon:*swimming*

*so they went closer to see what else live there*

Tagiru:*as nothosaurus*look at them

Katsura:*as Ichthyosaurus*that's fit for you Zatsuke

Zatsuke:*scan one of dorudon and become one*sure is

*at suddenly*

Basilosaurus:*approaching them*

Nigel Marven:*wearing scuba diving suit*look!

Ryubi:a basilosaurus

Nigel Marven:Basilosaurus means 'king lizard'. Basilosaurus isis was an enormous aquatic predator that lived during the Eocene Period, approximately 35 million years ago. With a name meaning 'king lizard,' Basilosaurus was misidentified by early researchers as a sea-going reptile

*at above*

Bullix:*fishing until feel a pull from something*wow!..I've got a fish!..*try to pull it*

Senner:*hold Bullix*help us!

Akamatsu and Ogoki:*help them pull until Bullix been pulled down*woah!

*at below*

Bullix:*look at the fishing reel until saw what the end of it*?!

Basilosaurus:*struggling due to bait*


Nigel Marven:its look been struggling

Zei:let me hold it while you remove the fishing bait

*as Zei became orthoceras and hold the basilosaurus..Nigel Marven managed to remove the fishing reel and the bait*

Basilosaurus:*swim off while snacking on juvenile dorudon*

Zatsuke:*scan it*

*so they went to the next destination..at beach*

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