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Learning that you are a daughter of a god or goddess was cool and all, until you have to wait for your parent to claim you. Every year all the unclaims line up in front of all the gods from so many different religions. Some aren't ready to be claimed I guess, so some are left waiting until next to maybe get claimed.

For 6 years, I stood there waiting to be claimed. When I was 9, it didn't matter that you weren't claimed, but at age 15, you might as well give up already. I stood there for the past 5 years, hopeful that somebody would claim me, not caring who.

I stand up for this year's claiming, not caring about my posture anymore. I look to both sides of me to see some kids younger than me looking absolutely terrified. I chuckle to myself at their misfortune.

Just as it is about to start, a laugh is rung throughout the room. The laugh was sickly, like he just did the most evil thing ever. Almost immediately as the laugh stops, a man, who dressed quite professional, appeared. He was very pale, and looked paler with his dark, raven hair.

"Oh Odin. Did you forget my invitation again? Why, I am hurt." the man says dramatically. Odin glares at him.

"I did not forget. You did not receive one on purpose. We don't need you ruining this ceremonial moment for the children. Now leave, before I throw you out myself." Odin orders him. The man laughs, but doesn't budge.

"Oh, Odin. You need to work on your threats. They are severely lacking originality. Maybe you are just getting a little too old." the man jokes, kind of. I groan and decide to speak up before Odin says anything.

"Dude, can you just leave, so I can get this over with and continue my life as an unclaimed? You are dragging this on with all the bickering." I say a little too loud, so the man heard. He looks around, then fixates on me. He walks closer to me and inspects me.

"Aren't you a little too old to be an unclaimed? What's your name kid?" he says. Everyone is surprised by the outburst I had.

"Yes, I am a 15 year old unclaimed, ask them why I am not claimed." I start off and point toward the gods. "The name is Nikcolette, but please call me Nik though. And you are?" I add on calmly, though my heart is beating super fast. The man turns toward Odin, again.

"You do not teach your offsprings of me. I am hurt once again. I would've thought you threaten children like that. 'You shouldn't steal or you'll end up like Loki. Forgotten'." he dramatically says. Oh, right! Loki, god of mischief.

"They do, but usually just to me. You, maybe, need to wear a nametag, or something, so the students here know who you are." I sarcastically say. What am I doing? Arguing with a god? The god of mischief out all of them. He gets an evil look on his face as he turns back toward me.

"You have a big mouth, girl. I'd watch out when you are talking to a god." He threatens, I think.

"And you call All-Father's threats original." I mutter under my breath. Apparently he heard though, because he got angry quickly.

"You puny half god! You watch your tongue!" he yells, and before anyone can do anything, he tries to use magic to make the wind throw me against the wall, but I was fast enough to counter it and make him fall on the ground. Everyone gasps at my quick reaction, then they go silent when they hear clapping from an entity.

"Bravo, child. You have really out done yourself. Arguing against Loki, then embarrass him, by using magic against him." a female voice says. We all look around to find the source, but then a woman appears. She was certainly beautiful, with an olive skin tone and a deep brunette hair color.

"Hecate, what are you doing out of the Underworld? And here even?" Zeus, king of the greek gods, questions the goddess of magic.

"To claim my daughter, of course. Nikcolette you have now been claimed by your mother. Your father must keep his end of the deal as well and speak up." she says. Wait, both of my parents are gods?!

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Both of my parents are gods?" I ask for anyone to answer. It was answered, but by the god would suspect the least to speak up about this.

Loki stands and says, "Yes Nikcolette. You are the daughter of Hecate and I. You have now been claimed.".

-Author's Note- This is only the prologue. If any of you nerds like this, comment, vote, whatever you want. This is just a fun idea I had. Also if you have any title or cover ideas, feel free to message me, or comment. Thanks and See Ya Later You AwesomeNerds! Arctic Out!! ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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