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It has been nearly two days since Sophie and I last talked and I'm anxious, to say the least. Though she was the one being ridiculous, I've been tempted to text her apologizing for the things I haven't done. Not talking to her after we just began to act like an actual couple is painful. I can't deny that I miss her snarky remarks and smartass comments. But I won't stop myself from admitting to her being annoying from time to time.

My hands push my weight of my bed and onto the hardwood floor of my apartment. I pace out of my bedroom and towards the front door, where my shoes and jacket seat themselves. I slip my arms through my winter jacket while simultaneously pushing my feet into my slick boots. My fingers brush my hair out of my face and onto my shoulders before tying my hair into a low bun. I feel my hands around the pockets of my pants to make sure I have my necessities before pulling open the front door and exiting my apartment.


After an hour of driving and a small ten minutes of picking out flowers, I arrive at my set destination. The excess of bright lights in her house sends a nerve to my stomach, but I ignore the self-made worry and open my car door. I step into the winter air, immediately pulling my jacket closer to my body. As I close the driver door, I open the back door and grab the wild flowers I picked from a small bunch.

A sigh of nervous waves exhales in a cloud of white as I shuffle towards the front door. My clenched fists knocks softly on the door three times, earning a loud rumble from the door. I stand patiently for a few minutes before knocking again and pulling my phone out of my pocket in the process. Immediately I go to Sophie's contact and press call.

As I bring the phone to my ear, I greet anxiously when she picks up, "Sophie?"


"Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm being c-chased."

"What? By who? Should I come get you?"

"Oh god uh no." Several grunts are heard and a deep voice fills the speakers, "Sophie Harrison keep your hands behind your back or we will use force."

"Hello? Who is that? Sophie?"

"Who is this?" A raspy voice breaths through the speakers, causing Harry to squirm uncomfortably and rush back to his car.

"I'm Harry, Sophie's boyfriend..what's going on?"

"Your girlfriend, Sophie, is under arrest for possession."

"What? Let me talk to her!"

"Sorry sir, I can't do that."

"What? Please let me talk to my girlf--"

Before Harry can continue his plead, the phone is hung up and he's left in a devastating shock. He looks around his car for a few moments before turning the ignition, pulling out of the driveway, and beginning the search for his 'girlfriend'.


This is probably the worst situation I've gotten myself into. Here I am sitting in a prison cell, waiting to be interrogated on something I didn't do. It all happened because of one of my co-workers. I declined politely going on a date with this dude and now I have to go to prison for it. Not my ideal future.

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