Chapter 34

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"My rides here," I nod to Jasper

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"My rides here," I nod to Jasper. My shift was over and I was ready to go home. I put my bag over my shoulder and lowered the sunglasses over my eyes.

Jasper stood by the big open window looking out over the beach. "Alright, where's Reid today by the way? He called out sick but I don't believe it. He never calls out sick."

"He and his father are just spending some time together this weekend," I told him, I didn't feel like giving out all the details on Reid's trip when he never told Jasper specifically. "See you Tuesday!" I said and walked down the stairs and onto the sand.

I opened the double doors to the house and dropped my things by my bed. My grandmother followed in behind me. It's weird having to go to work without Reid.

He and his father are staying the weekend in Sun City West, where Mary is currently recovering. Reid sent me texts throughout the day, updating me on every little thing he did. I tried my best to resist the urge to put his notifications on mute.

I did miss him however, it's only been two whole days. He would be back tomorrow morning which I was looking forward to, not that I would ever admit it to him.

"Jade baby, can you come here please," my grandma called me over from the living room.

"Yes," I said strolling into the room. I sat down on the couch across from her.

"I've noticed you and Reid have become pretty close," she casually said as she flipped through some of the pages of her book. The heavy book sat on her lap, wide open.

My eyes widened a fraction of an inch. "Uhm yeah, he's not so bad when you get to know him." I shrugged my shoulders.

"So you like him," she cast her eyes up at me, a small grin painting her face.

"Yeah, he's cool," I nodded my head. I squinted my eyes, wondering where she was going with this conversation.

"I think he likes you too. More than a friend. You guys do hang out a lot and you're a beautiful girl so I don't why he wouldn't."

Blood rushed to my cheeks, "Grandma stop." I groaned embarrassed.

"What, all I'm saying is if you wanted to ever be more than friends with him, I support it. He's going to college this year and you're turning 18 in September. You two would be cute together."

I looked away from her gaze, "Uhm thanks. I guess."

Jasmin rolled in, a bag of popcorn in her hands. She took a seat on one of the recliner chairs and pulled her phone out to scroll. "What are you guys talking about?"



I shot a look at my grandmother who said his name. Jasmin looked up from her phone, her lip curling up. "Why would you be talking about him?"

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