Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Finally... a moment of peace.

I'd managed to slip out from under the noses of the two overbearing Alphas. Leo had gone on his rounds of checking traps and getting more water while Anders was in the shower. It was the perfect opportunity to slip away, I just had to hope I didn't run into Leo out here.

I was careful to avoid his tracks, trying my best to cover up my own, even though my scent would be difficult to hide. Still, I'd enjoy this, even if this moment was fleeting.

With my opportunity for escape being so spontaneous, I didn't have time to grab much in prep. I'd kept my knife on me and thankfully was wearing a sufficient amount of clothing, something that became necessary when being this close to my heat around two Alphas. If they caught on to my increase of slick whenever they were around, it would be unfeasible to keep them out of my den when the time came.

Though that might prove impossible anyway. Thinking about what Anders said...could it really be true? Could I have two mates?

It was so unbelievable and yet, there was a small part of me that admitted it made sense. From the moment I presented as an Omega, I knew I was different. All the mannerisms and instincts that came so naturally to the others, I struggled with. I felt like a puzzle piece in the wrong puzzle. The narrative the Holy Trinity Church painted just didn't fit me and other Alphas seemed to sense it. It's why I had accepted the fact that I would likely never find one of my soul partners.

But learning that I had two? Not even just that, but knowing it was Leo and Anders? Something deep in my core hummed. I had ignored the sound for so long, it was almost foreign.

Logically though, how would this even work? The church would never let us get married if they even allowed us to be together at all. What kind of stigma would follow us? Would it cause more trouble to our lives? Was it even worth it?

Being here in the middle of nowhere, with no rules other than survival, it was easy to forget the condemnation of society and propriety. But once we left here, would this all end? Would it come crashing down around us?

Would Leo and Anders resent me for it?

I shivered at the very real possibility. And then what? I'd be right back where I started, except this time with a broken heart.

I was better off alone.

Sighing, I slid through the forest, keeping my eyes peeled for any predators or a specific Alpha. The humidity curled around me as sweat beaded along my temples. I'd never been so grateful for the Force issued haircuts. If I still had my long curls, I'd be melting under the blanket of them.

I'd wandered a bit further than I had before with the others. Just between the brush and trees was a little lake, at least, I assumed it was a lake, but I couldn't tell how deep it really went.

Framed by a series of tall trees, it made the space that much more private. Excited to cool off, I almost broke through the foliage until a familiar form caught my eye making me freeze in my tracks.

His back was to me as he stood impossibly still, waist-deep in the water which is what made it so easy to miss him. He blended in with nature. The broadness of his back never failed to impress me. The reliability in those shoulders called to me in ways I'd tried so hard to ignore.

I had no need for anyone to do anything for me when I could do it myself. And yet, the idea of him catering to my needs had slick racing down my thighs in an endless effort to make it a reality.

Fucking Anders, putting all these thoughts in my head.

I stood concealed behind the thick trunk of a tree, its gnarled roots stretching deep into the forest floor. The heart of the woods cradled the serene lake whose still waters mirrored the shimmering afternoon light. Every so often, a bird's song would punctuate the hushed atmosphere, a testament to nature's ongoing symphony.

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