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May 26, 2023

Nine days had passed. Nine days in which Mingi's life had come to a standstill. After arriving at the house and being virtually locked up by the police, Mingi hadn't even left the place for once.

He had spoken to both Wooyoung and Jongho on the phone. Both were shocked by what had happened. Probably more shocked than Mingi, even though he was the one who had seen everything. And the thought of the dead man lying in front of him still haunted his dreams. Nevertheless, he finally wanted to go home. He understood that it was dangerous, but it had already been over a week.

With a loud groan, Mingi dropped onto the couch in the living room. This house was huge and yet he didn't feel comfortable. And he was also alone. He had tried to talk to the policemen several times, but he hadn't learned more than their names and they had been outside the house all day, guarding it like a dungeon. Mingi was far too lonely, bored and curious to stay here any longer.

Determined, he brushed his hair out of his face and got up from the couch. He walked to the front door to talk to the policemen to finally leave, but he paused before opening the door. Through the half-opened window next to the door, he could hear the voice of one of them. He thought it was Jeongin's voice and took a step closer to the window.

Sure enough, Jeongin was standing in front of the door in a blue uniform and seemed to be talking to someone on the phone. Mingi held his breath. At first he had no idea what he was talking about until his name came up.

"If Mingi is out of danger, why are we keeping him here any longer?" he heard Jeongin say and tilted his head. He was out of danger? Did that mean the mafia weren't looking for him and he could go home? "I see," Jeongin mumbled and Mingi watched as the blonde-haired man nervously shifted from one foot to the other. "We'll do our best," he said before lowering his phone and putting it away.

Mingi took a step back from the window and was about to open the door for the second time, but again a voice interrupted him. This time it was the voice of Hyunjin, the second policeman guarding him.

"Was that Yunho?" his voice echoed from outside. "He wants us to keep Mingi here until the end of the month." Mingi began to frown. "But we were only supposed to keep him here for a week." One week? Mingi no longer understood anything. "Yes, he said we'd be replaced by other policemen tomorrow." Mingi stepped closer to the window again and saw Hyunjin make the same confused expression that Mingi had just made. "How long is Mingi supposed to stay here? If the mafia were really after him, they would have found him long ago or not?" Jeongin shrugged his shoulders. "Don't ask me."

Mingi now moved away from the window and walked back to his room with quick steps. He locked the door and without even thinking about it, he reached for his phone. "Wooyoung can you guys pick me up?"


It was already dusk when a person crept around the house and ducked behind a bush. Mingi pulled his hood further back over his face. He had told Wooyoung and Jongho to park further away so that nobody would notice anything. Now he just had to leave the area inconspicuously. He knew exactly when Jeongin and Hyunjin were going inside because it was getting too dark. He looked at his wristwatch and it was time.

He walked quietly around the corner of the house and crouched behind another bush. He just saw two people disappear into the house. This was his opportunity. He quickly emerged from his hiding place and ran past the house as quietly as possible towards the street. He didn't look back and ran along the street, eventually recognizing Jongho's brother's black van and smiling.

Out of breath, he pulled open the door and disappeared into the vehicle. After dropping into the back seat, he was met with confused looks. His two friends stared at him as if he had gone mad. "I thought we were supposed to pick you up, why are you wearing a mask and why did you run?" Wooyoung asked from the front.

Before they could say anything else, Mingi leaned forward and hugged them both. "I missed you so much," he said and closed his eyes. "We missed you too," murmured Jongho. Mingi let go of them and dropped back into his seat. "I'll explain everything to you, but please drive off first,"Mingi said. Jongho did what he wanted and started the engine. Soon they were driving along the dark roads back to Gwangju.

"You ran away?" Wooyoung asked in disbelief after Mingi had told them everything. "Have you gone crazy?" Mingi shrugged his shoulders. "Why? As I understand it, I don't have to stay there any longer. The order from the police to go into hiding was only for a week." Wooyoung turned back to Mingi skeptically. "But what if it really is too dangerous, Mingi, and that's why Yunho wanted to keep you there?" Mingi had to smile and rolled his eyes. "Oh yes, and why should I trust him? Besides, what's going to happen? I'm no safer in that weird house than I am at home." Wooyoung nodded and turned around again.
"I hope you're right," he said before Mingi turned to the window and fell asleep shortly afterwards.


Mingi opened the door to his room and a familiar warmth met him. Jongho and Wooyoung followed him and all three fell onto his bed a little later. Mingi took a deep breath.

"What are you doing now?" Jongho asked. Mingi lifted his head from his pillow. "I mean, if they realize you've run away, they'll probably come looking for you, right?"
"Wasn't it actually illegal what we did?" Wooyoung intervened.

"If the order was really only for a week, I had every right to leave. Besides, it's not illegal to expose yourself to danger, is it?" Wooyoung looked worried. "I know what you're thinking," mumbled Mingi. "But don't worry. Nothing will happen to me." Jongho turned to Mingi and put an arm around him. "And now tell us about your adventure in your new house." Mingi laughed. "That wasn't an adventure, it was hell. It was sooo boring," he complained and soon the mood was positive again.


In the morning, Mingi was woken by a knock. He looked beside him where Jongho and Wooyoung lay sleeping peacefully. Tired, he rolled out of bed and got up. The knock came from his door. He went to the door with a queasy feeling. Who would show up here so early in the morning? He couldn't deny that a little fear ran through him when the knock came a second time, even louder. Quietly, he leaned towards the door and looked through the peephole into the hallway of the dormitory. After a short time, he recognized black wavy hair and a police uniform. Who else would it be?

Nervously, Mingi opened the door quietly. Yunho's eyes immediately lingered on him. Yunho opened his mouth to say something, but Mingi stopped him with his index finger. He gestured to his friends, who were still asleep in his bed. Then he pushed Yunho back a little and joined him in the hallway. The door closed again.

Yunho smiled sarcastically and crossed his arms. "After I woke up today, I got the message that you were gone. Are you kidding me?" Mingi wrinkled his nose. "Why? I know I didn't have to stay there for more than a week and they wouldn't let me go." Yunho's smile disappeared and a cold shiver ran through his face.
"You can't just leave like that. If you hadn't been home now, the whole police would have been looking for you." Mingi sighed. "I heard Jeongin talking to you on the phone yesterday. I know the order was that I was to go into hiding for a week and then I could go back home. Why did you tell them otherwise?"

Mingi watched as Yunho pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and looked to the side, annoyed. He realized that Yunho always did that when he was angry. "I've known these people longer than anyone in the whole police. Don't you think you should just trust me when I say it's too early and too dangerous to come back," Yunho said. His eyes wandered back to Mingi. Mingi tried to figure him out, but Yunho seemed untouchable. Like a mystery.

Mingi put his hands on his hips and looked at Yunho silently. "It's my decision what I do," he said and immediately regretted it when he saw Yunho's look. How could it be that he was more afraid of him than of any mafia?

"Do what you want, but don't say I didn't warn you." Yunho turned around, but Mingi grabbed his arm.
"Wait." Yunho immediately pulled out of his grip and stepped back. "Can't you remember me?" Mingi finally spoke up and he saw confusion cross Yunho's face. "What am I supposed to remember?" he asked. Mingi lowered his head.

Either Yunho didn't recognize him or he had forgotten what had happened between them that night.


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