10 - Calling Card

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Hudson waited patiently for The Red Rose to show up after he had sent out a "signal message" to her. She seemed to be taking longer than she usually does. He wondered if perhaps she hadn't gotten the message yet. Shrugging, he decided to wait a little bit longer.

As he waited, there was a knock on the door. He sighed and answered the door. Abel stood there with a small smile.

"What do you want?" Hudson asked blankly.

"Dinner is ready," Abel responded with a gentle smile, "Come join us. You should eat." Hudson stared at the older for a minute before glancing back at the window. He didn't know when The Red Rose would pop up. His tummy growled hungrily making Abel chuckle. "I can tell you're hungry. Come eat with us and you'll feel better."

Hudson sighed in defeat as he nodded. He left his room, closing his door behind him and following Abel down the stairs. He sat with his members at the table and ate whatever was served.

When he was finished, he helped clean up before rushing back up to his room. Opening the door, he had hoped to see The Red Rose sitting on the window ledge, but she wasn't. He sighed in disappointment as he closed his door.

"Looking for me?" A familiar voice asked. He glanced to where the voice was coming from and he noticed a figured lying on his bed. He narrowed his eyes to see who it was, but the light flashed on, revealing the hooded Red Rose. He sighed in relief when he saw her and smiled at her. She sighed as she sat up on his bed. "I saw what you posted on the internet about me. Is this your new calling card to me or something to get me to come visit you?"

"Well, I really needed to talk to you about something, so yeah I guess so," he responded with a nod. She sighed heavily in response and rolled her eyes.

"So what do you want this time?" She asked curiously and impatiently, "By the way, this is a really comfy bed."

"Thanks, we can share it if you want," he suggested with a smile. She stared at him for a moment before clearing her throat.

"Ok, um, I'm gonna let you reflect on that one because I don't know if it's just me, but that sounded a little..... wrong," she mentioned awkwardly as she glanced away. He stared at her for a moment before his eyes went wide.

"Oh! No, I didn't mean it like that," he said flustered as he tried to recover himself, "I just meant that we can you know share it right now or....." She snickered a bit as she sat up.

"Hudson , relax, I was just kidding," she proclaimed as she sent him a small smirk. He let out a small sigh of relief. "Although, I have to admit, you are pretty cute when you get flustered like that." She had a mischievous grin plastered across her face. His eyes went wide at that and his face heated up. His cheeks turned a bright pink as he lowered his gaze to hide his embarrassment. This only made her stifle a laugh in response. "So why have you called me out this time?" As he was about to respond, she already began to talk about. "Actually, no, don't answer that because I already know why you've called me here."

"Wait.... you do?" He asked in surprise. She nodded. "How did you-?" He began to ask, but got cut off by her.

"Because your laptop was open on an article about Odette, the orphan," she remarked, cutting him off as she pointed to his laptop. He nodded in understanding.

"So, do you know Odette?" He asked curiously and nervously, "I mean, like, have you seen her?" She stood there in silence for a moment before sighing.

"Yeah, I know her and I've seen her," she responded with a small nod.

"Wait, you do?!" He asked in shock. She nodded reluctantly in response. "Do you know where she is?" He was unsure of whether or not he would get an answer.

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