Christmas Special

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Minho Pov
I was setting up the christmas decoration while Felix did the Christmas tree. This would become our first Christmas together as a married couple, plus maybe our baby would be born during this month or end of the year.I was placing the lights when suddenly, I heard a noise of something dropping, So I rushed to check it to see Felix in pain, holding his stomach. "Oh my God! Honey are you okay? What happened?" I asked worried for my Babe. "Min, I think my water broke!" He exclaimed I was a bit surprised and shocked so I carried him to my car and drove us to the hospital. He was in so much pain, that he was even crying and was taken by the nurse's. I called our friends and families to tell them the news, and they all came. I was worried and excited at the same time, I really hoped that the labor would go well. Anyways the time went by and soon a doctor came running out with a smile on his face. "Mr.Lee congratulations you have gotten a lovely healthy baby boy and a adorable healthy baby girl." said the doctor. "Oh thank god and how is my wife sir?" I asked  relieved that my babies are fine. "Well he is resting right now and is fine with no pain or injuries." Replied the doctor. 


Three days later....

Three days had passed and now Felix was allowed to be discharged from the hospital along with his cute little pooty babies. The couple and newborn babies reached home safely and went inside their house with Minho helping his wifey carry in the bags like the gentleman he is. They went in and were both immediately caught off guard by seeing their friends and family there. "Happy Christmas Day!!" They all shouted in sync. "Oh My God! This is so- I love this!" Said Felix a bit emotional about the surprise he and Minho had just received. "Yah Yongbok you need to sit down remember you just gave birth like this morning!" Said Felix's mother who scolded him. "Eomma, I gave birth like three days ago and I am perfectly fine!" Responded Felix back with a smile. "Aishh, You are too stubborn kid!" Felix's mother said back. "Anyways lets all sit down and celebrate shall we." Stated Chan. They all agreed and sat down on the sofa's. "Okay so let us all say some daily news from our lives!" Said Han with his cute smile. "Okay I'll start first, So I am planning to stay for christmas with my son, Son-In- Law and grandchildren. Also I just got a new puppy!" Exclaimed Felix's mother with her angelic smile that Felix inherited from. "Okay then I am well going on a vacation trip next year on January with my lovely life." Said Changbin next with his perfect smile. " Me and Changbin are going to  move into a new house and I also got a job as a teacher." Said I.n next showing his cute smile. "I finally am able to open my own dance studio after so many struggles and han and I are going to decorate it and design it together." Said Hyunjin with his beautiful smile. "Me, Chan and Changbin are finally able to become producers together at a very high paying company." Said Han with his mesmerizing smile.. "Well I can say that I am finally able to see my dog berry everyday!" Said Chan with his innocent yet handsome smile. "Uh well Me and Minho are thinking of moving in to a bigger house in the near future." Said Felix with his signature sunshine smile. "Well I am going to become an official choreographer to make choreograph for kpop groups!" Said Minho with his cute cat smile. " And I am well pregnant with channies kids!" Said Seungmin with his angelic smile. "Wait what!"  "Oh my God congratulations Chanmin!" "OH MY GOD, another child!!!"  "I cannot believe chan got our baby seung pregnant!" Everyone was commenting on Chanmin's news of having a baby.

"Okay yeah enough lets begin to eat shall we!" Said Chan calming down his friends who were dramatic asf {Me with my friends literally}. They all ate their delicious dinner with them making funny jokes and also played games to celebrate the christmas spirit. Everything was so perfect as hell and your author is now losing her god damn braincells because she cannot think about no more ideas on what to write anymore and so this is the end bye!!!!!

A/N: So Yall thought I was gonna leave well hell nah. But I need your guys help for a future story but before that I want to thank my followers and reader for giving this ook a whopping mother hell 9.6k views like omg. That alone is my mery christmas gift from you guys...

And please choose the one you guys like so yeah. 

1} A Chanmin story= Chan and Seungmin

2} A SKz x Seungmin story

3} A 2min Story = Minho and Seungmin

4} HyunChan Story = Hyunjin and Chan

5} Or a Jilix story = Jisung and Felix

Anyways you guys can decide and bye bye my angels!!!!!!😘

scary highschool(Felix X minho = minlix)Where stories live. Discover now