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The halls of the university appeared deceptively serene as Karina and Aeri navigated their way towards the cafeteria. The ordinary surroundings contradicted the impending chaos that lurked beneath the surface.

"Everyone seems... normal," Karina observed, her voice filled with a hint of disbelief. "Everything looks normal here."

Aeri nodded somberly, her eyes scanning the seemingly ordinary faces passing by. "Yeah, but as soon as the bell rang, everyone turned into monsters—a side that they didn't know they had. This place turned into a bloodbath."

As they entered the cafeteria, the atmosphere shifted. The low hum of conversations, the clinking of cutlery, and the aroma of food created a facade of normalcy. The other captives, engaged in what seemed like everyday activities, masked the underlying tension that the looming bell could unravel at any moment.

Karina surveyed the room, her gaze lingering on the faces of the seemingly unsuspecting individuals. "How do you even know who to trust in this place?"

Aeri sighed, a heavy burden evident in her expression. "You don't, Karina. Trust is a luxury we can't afford. That's why I stick with you. We watch each other's backs, and we stay on guard."

As they joined the line for food, the illusion of normalcy persisted. Conversations flowed, and laughter echoed in the cafeteria, creating an eerie contrast to the twisted reality they faced during the bell's toll.

"Winter's here," Aeri whispered, her voice barely audible over the cafeteria's din. "She blends in perfectly during these normal hours. That's when she's most dangerous."

Karina's eyes darted around, a sense of unease settling in. The cafeteria, once a haven for a brief respite, now felt like a potential battlefield.

After securing their food trays, Karina and Aeri chose a secluded corner in the cafeteria, away from the bustling crowds. The air felt heavy with unspoken tension as they sat down, their eyes scanning the room for any signs of abnormal behavior.

"People here act so casual, like they're not capable of turning into... murderers," Karina whispered, her gaze lingering on the seemingly ordinary faces surrounding them.

"That's the trick," Aeri replied, her voice hushed. "During these normal hours, you'd never guess what people are capable of when the bell tolls. It's like a switch flips, and survival instincts take over."

As they ate in silence, the cafeteria continued its facade of normalcy. Laughter and conversation buzzed around them, but the illusion couldn't erase the underlying fear that gripped every captive in the room.

Aeri leaned in, her eyes fixed on Karina. "When the bell rings, stick close to me. You need to kill, you need to let go of your life before and focus on the present." she said. "If you didn't kill unless one person, you'll be killed by that man."

Karina nodded, a silent agreement between them.

The minutes passed in an uneasy quiet until, unexpectedly, the sound of distant footsteps grew louder. The chatter in the cafeteria dimmed as the footsteps echoed, signaling an approaching figure.

Karina's heart quickened, and she exchanged a wary glance with Aeri. The room seemed to hold its breath as the footsteps drew nearer, and then, a girl with short hair, barely reaching five feet and five inches, entered their line of sight.

She looked harmless, her demeanor unassuming as she passed by, glancing briefly at the food options. Aeri's grip on her tray tightened, her eyes never leaving the girl.

"That's her," Aeri muttered under her breath, a mix of caution and wariness in her eyes. "Winter."

As the girl with short hair continued her casual stroll through the cafeteria, the atmosphere around Karina and Aeri tensed.

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