Chapter 1

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Sukuna knew that Yuji liked him. He can see it on the way Yuji looks at him, how he pays attention to him. So he thought oh how amusing and smirks with the idea he came up with.

Yuji has been exhausted, with the training, with school work but the thing that exhaust him the most is his feelings for Sukuna. He doesn't know why he has feelings for someone like him but he doesn't, he can't even tell anyone

Yuji was about to go to sleep but suddenly he was front of Sukuna. Yuji was trying his best not to get nervous and asked 'what do you want, can't you leave me alone just for today I am too exhausted'.

Sukuna just smirks, brings his face close to  Yuji and says 'hey, brat I have something to say to you. Listen carefully okay'

Yuji was just staring and said 'okay'

Sukuna was like this is going to be fun.
'Yuji i actually like you'

Yuji was shocked and he was like what

Sukuna said it again 'Yuji i actually like you'

Yuji... 'do you actually like me Sukuna. Omg let me process this omg. OMG OMG OMG FUCK DID I HEAR HIM RIGHT.' Yuji thought he got nothing to lose now so he said 'Sukuna I actually like you, I don't know why but I actually do'

Seeing how Yuji just confessed and saw he his facial expression, he couldn't hold it in anymore, he started to laugh

Yuji was just silent after seeing how much Sukuna was laughing. He didn't even realise that he was crying and all he mumbled was 'idiot, of course he won't like you, you shouldn't have got your hopes up'

All Yuji was thinking that he is an idiot & all he said to Sukuna while having his head down was 'are you done laughing, did you have enough fun cuz if your done with your fun I would like to go back'

Sukuna stopped laughing the moment Yuji said that, he couldn't see Yuji's face but could see the tears. He didn't say anything but felt his heart ache and let Yuji go back.

When Yuji went back, he was full on sobbing, he didn't even realise that he was sobbing so much the entire night that he didn't sleep.

Yuji was hurt, so he decided no matter what from now on he will ignore Sukuna and he did for 3 weeks

Sukuna knew he fucked up, fucked up very badly because Yuji hasn't said a single word to Sukuna for the past 3 weeks. He was trying to apologise realising that he made fun of Yuji, his feelings and he couldn't stop this throbbing in his heart, he didn't know why he was feeling like that so he decided no matter what at night time he will talk to Yuji


Yuji was going to sleep but suddenly felt he was being pulled, he tried to resist but he couldn't and suddenly he was sitting on top of Sukuna. Yuji just locked down and didn't say a single word.

Sukuna looked at Yuji and saw how Yuji wasn't saying anything so he started to say 'Yuji listen, I'm sorry okay but please don't ignore me I know I hurt you, I hurt your feelings but you ignoring me for the past 3 weeks made me realise that I actually like you. From the moment you went back my heart was aching so much and I know I am an idiot that toke this long to understand your feelings so Yuji please give me a chance to redeem myself.'

Yuji was silent for a minutes then he said 'how do I know that your not lying Sukuna, I was fooled with your acting before and I don't want to be a fool anymore, I am not an toy Sukuna where you can toss me when you don't have feelings for me and get me back when you feel like it'

at this point Yuji was crying and hitting Sukuna chest & all Sukuna did was let him hit his chest for a bit then he pulled Yuji to a kiss

Yuji eyes wide open in surprise, he was trying to pull away but his lips are soft that Yuji gave in, the kiss was becoming more intense to the point Yuji thought he couldn't breathe. They continue to kiss god hours & slowly start to do it

~~~~ they did it~~~~


Hopefully u guys like it

I'm sorry but I can't write smut yet. Ur welcome to check out more on my Anime_1 (a03) website.

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